
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Grandma's Garden Springing to Life

Years ago, when we moved up from Louisiana and in with my mom's parents in WV, it was so cold!  My first day of school was cancelled because of snow!  A 'snow day' my mom called it.  What!?  For the first few months, I lived in a strange world, a COLD world, but slowly green things happened.  Beautiful green things.
In Grandma's front garden, Spring comes with surprises and constants.  A year or so after we moved up, Dad planted Daffodils down the driveway.  They have popped up and spread out every year since.  Shortly after the Daffodils arrive, Grandma's Crocus' show their vibrant colors.  Then in May, around Grandma and Grandpap's wedding anniversary, the Lily of the Valley sweetly scents the air. 
This year, the Crocus flowers are so vibrant against the dark greens of the arriving new garden and the brown leaves that still cover the ground.  The shocking purple of the Crocus is pretty to look at but this one decided to be different. 
When I popped in with my younger two boys to visit Pap, I luckily remembered to pack my camera in to the van.  I was able to explore the dawning of this year's blessings.  This one is my favorite find.
I believe I will print this one for Grandma's room at the nursing home to give her a bit of her garden.  Maybe, just maybe, she will find some peace with this small part of the garden she worked so hard in for years.  Now, it's my turn.  This year, the garden will be my job.  It's time to find Grandma's Garden again.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A TARDIS Valentine...

My younger boys and I love watching Doctor Who.  If you don't know what or who that is, you have to start watching BBC America!  You are completely missing out!  Word of warning, don't watching anything dealing the Weeping Angels by yourself or in the dark.  Just saying.
Anyway, my youngest is in fifth grade and wanted to have an "epic Valentine box, Mom!"  So, on to the calendar it went and the search for parts began.  Of course, life happened during all of this and it got put on the back burner.  As usual, and as many parents will agree, the night before it's due is ALWAYS a good time.  Especially if you are on your way home from work.  I mean, why not?
I lucked out and discovered TARDIS Blue foam core board at Wal-Mart!  Duct tape, some foam tape, a 6x6 wooden canvas form to provide stability at the base.  OOH!  Lookie!  A dark blue paint marker!  Yahooey!  Yes, this was the dialog going through my head.
I get home around 8:30pm and start immediately.  After shrinking clip art found on Pinterest (thank you, fellow Whovians who posted diagrams and clip art!) down to a more appropriate size and miraculously NOT cutting myself, I ended up with THIS:
I did cut a little flap in the back to use as a "mail slot" and the top if hinged with duct tape and a smaller piece of foam core board that just fits inside to provide more stability.  It IS going to school with a fifth grader...
As for his Valentines, he wanted something unique.  So, off to Pinterest I went.  Can I just say, WOW!  The amount of amazing and unique Valentine ideas is astounding!  We decided on this.  With my son's desire to continue the Doctor Who theme, we changed it a bit with color and here is what we ended with:
He loved the blue rulers!  Since there aren't many girls in his class he chose to give them a special color, though.  They get red!  I used a utility knife to cut a slit in the card stock a little wider than the ruler so it slid in easily.  I then wrote the "To" and "From" on the back tabs that rest on the underside of the ruler.
Hopefully, these go over well.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

{DIY} Easy Fire Starters

With Hubby and I doing more outdoor activities with the boys, I have been doing more research into things that will help during these adventures.  Hubby also leans more towards the survival part of our outings but that's just the Marine in him (Oorah!).

What to Gather:

Unscented Candle (any color)
100% Cotton Cosmetic Pads
Wax Paper
Sauce Pan
Container for Wax (not pictured but it's just a screw top plastic container)

Step 1:  Once you have your items together, count out how many pads you want to do in this batch so you have enough room.  I did 12 count batches.

Step 2:  Put the candle in the sauce pan and turn the heat to LOW and wait.

Step 3: (okay, so I wasn't too good at waiting for ALL the wax to melt but you get the point...)
Drop your pad in the wax.

Step 4:  Let the whole thing turn color or show that it is covered in wax.
(This is why colored wax is a good idea)

Step 5:  Use your tongs and fish it out of the wax.
Let the excess drip off a little and then...

Step 6:  Put on the wax paper.  They take about 10 minutes to set up.
Put in a container or plastic bag til you need them.
Grab a few of those silica packs that come in just about any pair of shoes you buy and toss them in with the Starters.  It will keep the moisture out and prevent them from sticking too badly to each other.

Hubby lit one for me but I forgot the camera inside.  This was taken after about two minutes.
It burned for about 6 minutes.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

{DIY} Liquid Hand Soap from Bar Soap

First, I will give credit where is is due!  I found the tutorial I used through Pinterest and it sent me HERE.  Several great ideas on her blog and I plan to make use of them in the future.  I figured I would showcase this DIY because it is such a money saver and we all can use a little of savings!

What to Gather:

A cheese/box grater
1 Gallon - DISTILLED water (KEEP THE JUG!)
2 TBSP - Liquid Glycerin
1- 8 oz Bar of Soap (don't use Dove, it won't work)
Pot (I am using my canning pot)
Spoon or Spatula
Cutting Board
Stove top

Step 1:  Pour the DISTILLED water and 2 TBSP of Glycerin in to your pot and stir. 

Step 2:  Grate your soap.  (I had to use two bars of mine since they were only 4.25oz each)

Step 3:  Add Soap shavings and turn heat on to Medium/High.  Stir til all soap is dissolved (it will take a bit) and remove from heat.

(You are going to end up with cloudy, soapy water...with some bubbles!)

Step 4:  Wait.  10-12 Hours!
(Yes, that means you, Little Miss 6-year-old in a grown up body!  NO TOUCHY!)
Okay!  So, I am home from work (it's about 10pm now) and I just finished up the batch of liquid soap!

Step 5:  Grab a funnel and the gallon jug the water came in.  Grab your hubby or strong friend to help.  Mix the soap with a whisk or mixer so that you get everything the consistency of snot (Gross, I know.  But seriously...snot!).  Pour CAREFULLY and SLOWLY through the funnel into the jug.  Label it and be happy!

So, this was my first ever tutorial so, be gentle!  Hope you are able to follow it!
Good luck with your own Inspirations!


*Try using a hand held blender after you dump the soap shavings into the water.  It blends it all, of course, and takes about 15-20 minutes off your time waiting for the soap to dissolve.  Heat it up after its all combined, then remove from the heat sourse and wait!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Gone Fishin'

Hubby and I took our boys fishing at the river a week ago.  No, we didn't catch any fish but I did catch a few good pictures!  This is my favorite! 

We are going camping next week and I can hardly wait!  I am so excited!  We have picked up a new tent for the two boys and camp beds for them so they are a bit more comfortable than sleeping on the ground.  Hubby and I have to catalog all our gear so we know we have all the fishing stuff.  FISHING!!!!  I can't wait!  I went fishing just a few times as a kid and always had to borrow one of my brothers' fishing rods.  I never  had one of my own.  Until now!  It's PINK!  Okay, it has pink ON it.  Hubby got me a 6' Shakespeare Ugly Stick and a beautiful caster reel!  (that's my rod in the photo)

This is going to be an awesome trip.  Even if we don't catch any fish!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Making time to take pictures again.

Back Yard in a Bubble.

This my younger BIL's daughter.  I have tried to edit out the storage building and the grill but it changes the entire photo.   You loves that whimsical, carefree feel of her running through the yard, chasing bubbles.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Our Little Miracle

I'd like to introduce you to my grandson!  He is just a few days old here and is now almost two months.  He is so perfect!  I have only been able to see him once, so far.  We are hosting a baby shower this weekend (he came early) and our family is going to meet him for the first time! 

I am excited beyond words!  I have been cleaning for the last two weeks to get my house ready since we will hopefully have a full one.  My younger brother is coming in and I am so excited about that!  We have had some struggles with our relationship recently and I pray we can use some of this time together to be okay with one another.