
Friday, April 30, 2010

Hair Delight!

Because I am rushing, and feel a little odd asking hubby to help with a pic tutorial, I don't have any photos to post that will verify what I am going to say, you will just have to understand how excited I am!

My hair has ruled my life in one way or another. It's a good day or a bad day. Mostly, bad days that result in me raking it back into a bun with an elastic and it looking, well, BAD! Until I started taking medication a few years ago for my migraines (I quit taking it, as previous posts about my migraines will attest to) my hair was uber thick and wavy/curly. Granted my younger brother has me beat in aces on both fronts but it just looks better on him when it goes wild. Now, while it is still wavy/curly and I have a lot of it, it is not as thick as it use to be, courtesy of a medication side-effect they neglected to list or tell me about til it was too late. Since then I have been very careful with my hair and what I do, or try to do, to style it.

Anyway, I ramble... I was watching a little television while getting ready for work the other morning and caught a commercial for Goody, the hair accessory company. They came out with a few new products that seemed very interesting and possibly quite easy for hair-styling-deficient me. So, doing something I most definitely DO NOT DO, I stopped at the store before leaving town and bought two items.

The Spin Pins come in a pack of two and each one replaces 12, yes you read that correctly...TWELVE, bobby pins! Super, SUPER easy to use and much better for my hair than pins and ponys!

The Modern Updo Pin is fabulous! I can now do a french twist in my hair with my own two hands! YAY! Granted, there is a bit more of a learning curve with this one but I was still able to figure it out for the most part in less than 10 minutes.

I will hopefully post pics soon. One of the great benefits of this? Since I don't have to use elastics with my hair when using these items, I don't have creases showing when I let my hair down! Just fabulous waves and barrel curls that some people pay hundreds of dollars for in salons. And it cost me less than $6. Gotta love it!

Friday, April 16, 2010

A few changes

My life has been pretty hectic the last few months. For one, I completely blanked on mailing my SIL her birthday present because I laid it in the rocker by the front door and, being the guys that I love, my DH and two youngest sons laid their jackets on top of it and left them there. I discovered it a few days ago and now am hoping to get it out in the mail today.

Two, DH resigned from his job. The company he worked in for almost 15 years was bought out by another business. All the employees were kept on at the new company. All this happened on December 1. Since then, DH has been trying to find his place with them. They expanded the territory he was to cover twice over and his health started deteriorating. Much of my family remained unaware of what we were going through because he didn't want anyone knowing.

A gentleman that DH worked with for the entire 15 years at the first company had already left following the buy-out, telling my husband to just hang on for a few months. They would keep in touch with each other every few weeks of the next several months, checking on how things were going. Then came the news. The gentleman's new boss wanted to talk to DH. So, quietly, he went for an interview not expecting anything. It was done as a courtesy for the gentleman that had been a driving force in DH's business life for so many years. A courtesy that became a blessing.

DH ended up taking the job. He was hoping to be have enough time to put in his two weeks' notice, though unsure if he could hang on that long due to stress. It lasted two days. The final straw? Our 11-year-old crawling up on his lap and asking, "Daddy, when are you going to be happy again?" It about broke my husband's heart! So, he told him, "Tomorrow, buddy. Tomorrow."

And that was it. I had a day off from work, so I picked DH up the morning he resigned and turned his company car in. We then went to the new business and met with everyone. Then we went and bought a new-to-us car since there was no company car option.

Since the change, DH hasn't had trouble sleeping, he has stopped grinding his teeth and he smiles! SMILES! Given that DH's brother still works with the company he just left, we have heard how things are going. It took THREE people to cover the territory they insisted DH cover by himself despite telling them how bad it was.

We prayed so hard for their to be a good change in our lives. Something that worked FOR us for once. We have been so incredibly blessed and given so much. The Lord works in His time. Even though we are sometimes hanging on by our fingernails, He will always be there to catch us, give us a ladder, or pull us up.

So, enjoy the small things and cherish each other. When the big decisions arrive, all those small things add up showing that you can hold on through the storm and see the clear sky on the other side.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Just because...

It has been a while since I posted a picture. This was taken last year while visiting Grandma. Laying in her yard and looking up through the trees...just imagining the possibilities.