
Monday, May 31, 2010

The world of Music

My family loves music! Growing up, we had music surrounding us. From the family's gospel group, The Cousins, to the many years many of us have spent in band, we have grown up with music of great variety. Last week I watched the tradition continue.

This was his only concert he had for 5th Grade Beginner Band. He is also the only trombone player in the grade schools that feed into the Middle School in our city. You know, that trombone has been played by four different men in my family. My cousin Matt for one year, then my younger brother for seven years, my oldest son for eight years (WV schools start band one year earlier than Louisiana schools - where younger brother started), and now Mr. Rebel.

That weekend my husband and I woke up to a different type of music. We went camping as a dry run to prepare for this summer's trip to visit my brother and his family. It was wonderful waking up to the sounds of nature. As usual, there is more to the story than just the pictures but I am content to just post a few quick shots and get back to relaxing. I am exhausted! Lol!

Friday, May 7, 2010

A breath of normalcy

Yesterday, I had a rare day off of work. I spent most of it at the yarn shop with Mom and Miss Sandy visiting. I went to lunch with Hubby and then back to the shop. When the time came, I picked up the boys from the bus stop. Mom came with me since I volunteered to take her home and the boys got to spend a few hours running around Grandma's and Grandpap's yard. I got the much-neglected opportunity to take pictures! Oh, the joy! My cousin's husband stopped by to look at a few trees that Pap wants cut down. Since he and my cousin heat with wood, this will benefit both houses.

If you have a few moments during your day, please say a prayer or just think comforting thoughts for my husband's best friend. Her mother's cancer has spread and the doctor's have given her just a few weeks, if that. DH went to visit shortly after getting the call last night and didn't return til after midnight. It was bad. So, if you have a few minutes...

Saturday, May 1, 2010