
Thursday, November 29, 2007

The things people eat...

For a while now I have been posting photos only. I have been unsure of what to post.

The first link below will lead you to a page about natural sugar substitutes. Why am I writing about this? Well, I am allergic to chemical sugar substitutes (most people are, they just don't realize it). This site lists multiple options for individuals that cannot have sucrose (regular table sugar) but think that chemical substitutes are their only option. Chemical substitutes are NOT the only option. They just have funding and PR people working for them.

Now, I realize that many people feel that sugar substitutes are wonderful but do they realize what they are doing to their bodies? Diet/Sugar-free products claim to not have any, or very little, calories. That is because our bodies cannot process the drug, at least it SHOULDN'T process it. Everyone is different and there are many people whose bodies DO process the drug. That means they have a caloric intake from it. Not to mention, sugar substitutes make you HUNGRY.

Look, after reading and researching just a little bit you may realize what a danger this stuff is. Sure, you may have to look for a while before you find something else that works for you but why stuff your body full of a drug that is toxic. I mean, some of the chemicals used to create sugar substitutes can actually make formaldehyde!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Take a moment...and dream...

Creating again...

A wonderful woman that attended physical therapy with my mother ordered these four Cane Bracelets. She has the same style of cane that these were originally created for so my design would not have to be reworked to fit hers.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Landmark No More...

I had never been inside this building, with it's rundown exterior and sad, gaze-less windows. I did not know the original purpose of its structure, its calling in the world. All I did know about this building was that it always had the most beautiful mural on the outside walls. They have faded over time and, to some, lost their appeal. To me, I loved to disappear into another world, an Eden, where you could be anything, anyone. I loved to imagine that our world looked like the murals on these walls. . .

Unfortunately, the doorways to another imagining were torn down today. I did not get there fast enough to capture forever the whole view of the fantasy world I love to escape to. Just one lovely, forested waterfall still struggling to flow, trying to hold on to a time long lost. Hopefully, the few moments of time that I managed to capture will be enough. Hopefully, I will not forget the joy and release those worlds brought me for so many of my still-young years.