
Thursday, July 5, 2007

A Family's Fourth of July...

Moms, dads, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, grandparents, friends...and RAIN! (the one in the red is Mr. Rebel)

It was wonderful! No lightning, no thunder. Just a nice gentle rain that allowed for the kids to still play and have fun. Thankfully, all of us are 'old hats' at this and bring extra clothes for kids.

Aunt Martha and I had cameras going, to capture the joy of the day ( and to later use as bribery material! LOL!) So many things happened! We had a cow that blew bubbles, a cupcake flag cake that turned you blue if you ate the wrong cupcake, and a Harry Potter Conference! LOL!

The popsicles turned out beautifully! The Pied Piper (Aunt Martha) gave the kids a treat this year...they got to help retrieve the frozen goodies! Everyone had a blast with them. The green ones (can't remember the flavor) tasted exactly like watermelon Jolly Ranchers©! The chocolate pops were a big hit, even though a bit messy, but I don't think anyone was complaining! (oh, this is Little Pirate!)

The County Fireworks celebration was nice. Last year's was a bit more entertaining but then the trees were also shorter last year! LOL! Every year, we all sit in the yard/field between the two family homes and watch the fireworks from the fairgrounds. I remember years ago we were able to watch from Grandmas front yard! Then the trees started getting too tall! I did get some really decent shots, though.

The family fireworks were wonderful! We had the Passing of the Lighters this year! Yep! The younger generation got to play with fire around highly explosive gun powder. Aaahh, the joy! LOL! Seriously, though, they were very careful and adults were there for help and supervision. Since it had rained for a good part of the afternoon, we didn't even have to get the hose out to wet the ground on either side of the walk between the houses. That was one less thing to try and put away in the dark!

We all had a wonderful time. Although, I did miss the rest of my family (Happy Belated 4Th, New York!) I knew that they were having a good time of their own. And, Dana, can you send me your recipe for Salt Potatoes? I think I would like to try them.


Dana said...

Great phots! Makes me wish I was there, becasue we had a lot of rain *pout*.
The kids look happy. Gotta love popsicles, right?

In stores here, you just buy a bag labeled "SALT POTATOES", but here's what you do if you can't buy them.
Take about 4 lbs of small, whole, baby potatoes. Cover with water, and add 1 LB of salt (yes, ONE POUND). Bring to a boil and cook until tender. (My trick for knowing when they are done is to stick a knife in one and if the potato slides off on it's own, they're done!) Drain, serve and douse with melted butter and fresh pepper.
We like them cold too. I showed the kids how to dip a whole, cold potato into some vegan sour cream/onion dip and eat! YUM.

Martha said...

I love your pictures. The flag through the leaves is beautiful. So is the chocolate face. A wonderful day.