
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Down time...

Okay, so I have been absent from posting for a while. I have been frantically getting the kids prepared to start school, going to the first few events for the marching band the 16-year-old is in, and getting my husband back up on his feet (without a cane).

What happened to my husband? Well, it all happened the weekend my brother and his family came to visit. I take my mom to her churches since driving has become a problem with her knees (more on that later). This particular Sunday, all three of her children and their families were supposed to go to church with her -- yeah, right!!! My alarm didn't go off, running late, husband fetches mom while I am getting ready, she and I then drive out to her churches without my family (no time!) and it's POURING RAIN! Yeah, my SIL Dana had a very exciting ride with my brother. After I left the house, my husband gets a call from one of our sons' friends (he's the one who just joined the Marines). He's stuck in the middle of the rain with a rare first edition book in his back pack -- he needs a ride! Hubby, I love him so much, tells the older boys what is happening, races out the front door --- and jumps off the top step.

To make a long story shorter, he broke a bone in his foot with that jump. Right where the cast wouldn't do him any good. So, since Monday, he has finally been back in his regular shoe. No more walking shoe from the doctor, no more ace bandage, no more cane! Maybe next time he does something like this, it won't take me four days of badgering to get him to the doctor. Luckily, he was on vacation already and spent most of his time with his foot propped up. *sigh* I love having my husband back!


My youngest started school on Wednesday. It was with mixed feelings that I put him on that school bus. I want him to grow up and be a good, responsible young man that doesn't cling to Mommy...but my house is too quiet!!! *sigh* I like his teacher and get a good feeling from her. I believe he will do well in her class. PLUS, he sits diagonal from her desk! Good spot for him, knowing my son! LOL! His first school paper is on the refrigerator and he already has a friend. His big brother (8) makes sure that he gets on the bus with him and sits beside him to make sure he is not picked on.

Once I work a few other things out, I should be okay to get a part-time job and maybe take a few classes. We'll see.


Mom's knees...well, there bad. Very bad. No cartilage at all, in either of them. So, on September 20, barring any difficulties or changes in schedule, she is having surgery. The left one first. When that one is healed enough, the right one will be done.

Oh, and I am thieving her purse and lightening that 50lb. back-breaker she carries around! I have already told her this. She said she had to have what is in it. I told her she could keep the crayons -- all grandmas need crayons. The rest is debatable!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lamp Post (no pun intended)

Several weeks ago, my husband's company had their somewhat-annual picnic (not a traditional thing, but it happens every once in a while). I took my two younger sons and my niece to the playground area that was nearby so that they wouldn't be underfoot. While there I saw so many beautiful baskets hanging from old-fashioned lamp posts. This one had the lake's water fountain behind it. I though it was pretty.


5 Minutes For Mom is giving away an HP Photosmart Compact Printer!! It's a tiny thing, too! Tiny but loaded with stuff! One of the best doesn't need to be plugged into a computer to work-all you have to do is insert your digital camera's memory card and start printing!! If you are like me and have a hard drive full of family pics, you need to check this out! Go on over there and check it out, and leave them a comment!! Even if you don't win, this looks like a great asset to have in your house! Especially if you have a camera addiction!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Migraines & Marines

My migraines have been kicking at me for the last week. I actually had to fill my prescription for my Maxalt. The pharmacy could only give me a partial fill because they ran out of the pills I take. When I went in on Monday to get the rest, they had a call in to the doctor's office to see if they could give me the quick-dissolve strips due to the wait-list for Maxalt tablets. They had placed the call in the morning and I was there at 3 p.m. They were still waiting.

So, what does any self-respecting person do when faced with a frazzled pharmacist who is getting more frazzled by the minute due to the number of prescriptions to fill and this ONE prescription is not getting anywhere? I pull out my cell phone and call my doctor's office! I tell them what is going on and they tell me that my file is on the doctor's desk and that he will get to it when he Oh - bad idea. My mom, who is with me because we had been to that same doctor's office to pick up x-rays of her knees, takes my phone and calls back. She asks for a certain medical tech that works there and is transferred. After explaining the issue she hands me the phone and says, "Give the phone to the pharmacist." Yes, ma'am! Two minutes later my prescription is on it's way to being filled! Thank you, Uncle John!!!I have no idea how the strips will effect me but I do know that some people have said they leave a bad taste in your mouth.

I did experience a sad thing the other day. Well, sad to me. My younger brother would probably do a happy dance since he had been trying to get me to quit drinking pop for years! My pop separated!!! Ewokgirl said that she experienced this when she was on certain meds for migraines. The syrup and carbonated water seem to separate in the mouth and you can taste them individually. Ewwwww!

A good friend of our sons', and a young man we consider one of our own, has made a decision that has been in his heart for over two years. On Monday, August 20, he leaves for Parris Island to begin Boot Camp for the United States Marine Corps. His MOS will be Computer Avionics (Radar). He will be back just in time for Christmas. The kicker of it? His girlfriend is leaving in September for the Airforce!!! Semper Fi!!!

Ewokgirl asked about me being able to get samples of my medication. Yes, I have gotten samples from my doctor but with my migraines coming more often and with more intensity, he felt it was safer for me to have a prescription on hand, should I need it. Good thing he did because I had no more samples left when my migraine hit the Friday I tried to fill my prescription. At least I was able to get a partial fill that day and the rest on Monday. It all worked out in the wash.


I haven't really been taking any new photographs worth posting but I have been learning to use Paint.NET. It has been interesting, to say the least. I haven't figured out a lot of the things that most people can do with ease. I have some difficulty running through tutorials that are listed on the website but I think that is mainly from my meds not letting my brain process the information correctly, since one minute it is gibberish and the next I completely understand it. Hopefully, I will be able to work my way through all the functions and options available to me, soon.

For now, here is an existing picture that I played around with.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Photo Editing

Well, I have officially confused myself. Hehehe. Unfortunately, most people that know me would say that it does not take much to do that.

I downloaded Paint.NET the other day and am having a doozy of a time teaching myself how to use it! I figured out how to do black & white photos with a touch of color. I figured out how to use the clone tool a bit.

My goal is to see if I can make a collage. The reason? On the way out to my mom's churches there are a couple old trees that are partially hollow. They actually have a fence running THROUGH them! I am going to get photos of them during all seasons. Hopefully, I can make them into a Four Season Collage. It is just an amazing thing to see. The landowners could have easily cut down the trees but chose to keep them, just running the fence through the existing opening. It's wonderful!

Oh, and if you have any tips on using Paint.NET, feel free to leave a comment. PLEASE!!! LOL!

Edit: Dana asked about my camera having the function to shoot in black and white with a certain color chosen to show up IN color. Yes, it can. I was playing with the Paint.NET program the way I was because I have a bunch of color photos I think would look rather nice in black and white with just a hint of color.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What A WEEK!!!

Family fun has gleefully kept me from posting recently and I don't regret it one bit. My SIL, Dana, and my brother came to visit this past weekend. It was wonderful to see him, again! I have missed him so much and to get to hug him was a gift I can't ever describe with any accuracy. Oh, the hugs! The hugs! Boy, did I get hugs! My two newest nephews, Stickyfingers and Crumbgrabber, were just so willing to give Aunt Jenny hugs! I loved it!!!

Dana brought some beautiful cards that she made for me (people, the pictures on her blog don't do justice to her work!). She graciously worked her magic for me, so that I might have a more personal card to give my best friend of fifteen years. I ended up with THREE! The one that is going to be used is just perfect! The colors are exactly what I think of when Rachel comes to mind and the design is the right combination of modern/romantic, I think.

Another bonus of this past weekend: I received my part of the barter I was in with Bobbie. May I just say, "Wow!" I am astounded at the talent. All of you need to go to her blog and see what she creates! One of the best parts? Dana was in the kitchen with me when I opened the package! We got to 'Ooh' and 'Aah' over them together. They are just so pretty, I want to put them in a frame! Thanks, Bobbie! They are wonderful!

On a sadder note, Jessica, one of Dana's friends (who's blog I have been lurking in for a few weeks) had computer meltdown. She lost everything on that computer, including pictures from the last few months that she hadn't backed-up yet. Ouch. I think I will get started on mine. Maybe we all should.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Black-Eyed Susans

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday, a check up for my migraines and how the medicine is working. Eh. So-so. The Topamax is holding at 25mg a day and doing well. The Maxalt is not working as well as it did in the beginning. I go back in three months with instructions to come in earlier if I am having difficulty.

Outside of the doctor's office is a huge bunch of Black-Eyed Susans. I have been debating on making an idiot out of myself for a few months and laying on the landing, leaning over and snapping a picture. So far, I have avoided it. On Monday, I became a goof. The picture is decent, though.

Edit: To Ewokgirl, as far as taste goes, I take the pill version of Maxalt. My doctor just asked me Monday if I would like to try the quick-desolve dose but I declined. I was thinking that the aftertaste might be a bit much for me. However, I am noticing some taste changes. Pop is starting to taste a bit off. I am drinking more water than EVER. I was also asked by my doctor about trying Imitrex injections after my next visit. Oh, the joy.

The humidity is getting unreal here as well. I hope that you get some relief soon. You are in my thoughts.