
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Post happy...

Yes, I posted many things today. For some reason, I have been very awake! I like it! Especially since it happened without my medication. Not only have I posted the pieces below, I have also cut down a tree that was growing from under my house and had gotten out of control; planted tomatoes and marigolds in the raised bed my DH lovingly added top soil to several days ago (it finally dried enough); and I put away all of Little Pirate's and Mr. Rebel's clean clothes (took an hour but it involved removing winter clothes as well).

Tomorrow's goal? Finish drilling holes in the treated timbers for the new raised bed, sink the rebar, and fill with soil; finish putting all the clean laundry away; and tackle the kitchen! Let's see how everything goes. Hopefully, I haven't aggravated my right hamstring, which got pulled on Saturday from rebuilding the rock walls for the front garden beds so I could plant my petunias and alyssum. Oh, well. I'll find out in the morning.

Goodnight, All! Happy Gardening!


These were taken a few days ago but I didn't get to them until this evening. My youngest, Little Pirate, was chasing this butterfly all the way home from the bus. It finally landed, once I got L'il P to quit scaring it, and the photo op proceeded.

I have no idea what kind of butterfly it is, just that it is beautiful. Mon@rch (Tom) please feel free to comment on what I am looking at!

I have been...

..playing with my editing program. I discovered a few things that I think I like!

Feeding my flag addiction...again...

A Memorial Day flag . . .

Someone was playing with my camera...

A few weeks ago the 17 y/o took his girlfriend to prom. Since they were all dolled up, I decided that we would go to the river front park near the dance hall. While getting them posed for pictures, my husband decided to play with my camera since it was already on the tripod, with the settings ready to go. I think I will enter this into the contest this summer when I take my down.

For someone who is scared of my camera, he sure does take great pictures!

Friday, May 23, 2008

The end of a chapter...beginning of the book

Last night Chef's (my 17 y/0) girlfriend graduated from high school. It was a wonderful ceremony and one of the shortest graduations I have ever attended. Her graduating class made history in their city, by being the last Senior class to attend the old high school AND the first Senior class to attend the new high school (a mid-year move!). As a little part of their celebration the entire class decided to go outside to the new track and toss their caps together. It was a wonderful sight and a fantastic picture. I wish I could show you the entire photo, so you could see their faces and the joy they feel but this will have to suffice.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

School Art Show

Just thought I would share a photo that Mr. Rebel (my 9 y/o son) took for his school's art show. He tried for several days to get a good photo with his camera and did well. However, he wanted a macro shot, ' Mommy...' So, he got to play with my camera. This is the bumper of a crash guard on a very big dump truck.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to me...

Well, I turned 30 yesterday. I think I am okay with it. I had a great day. My SIL, my older brother's wife, came over to drop off information for a girl scout craft I am doing with my niece's troop (we're making jewelry!) and we talked for a bit. After dropping the 19 y/o off at work I stopped at the store to get a few more things for dinner and ran into my SIL again! We ended up talking for almost 2 1/2 hours! In the store!!! It was great.

After finally getting home, I turned on the oven to get started on my birthday cake. Several months ago I decided that since I was turning 30, I was going to make it fun. So, I did this...

What do you think? Me? I think it looks so ugly that it's cute! Hahaha! I had such a great time making it! When I started to put the icing on that cake, of course, started to pull apart. I called my DH tell him about it and could hardly talk for laughing so much! It really is an easy cake to just have to use the right cake mix! I wanted a Carrot Cake and it calls for yellow, which of course is denser than the carrot. Overall, I had a blast! I remember my mom making me these really fancy cakes as I was growing up. It was kind of cool to be able to make one myself!

If any of you want to try it out, or see what it was supposed to look like, here it is. Hope you have a blast!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Stained glass

I took this photo around this time last year. It is a super-macro photo of stained glass.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008