
Sunday, August 30, 2009

The most fantastic day!

Despite not having our older two sons with us, I have had the most fantastic day with my younger two and my husband! This morning my DH surprised me with an outing. Having felt unwell, I was not moving fast enough to get to church. So, DH used that as an opportunity to take me and the two boys out for the day.

We started with a trip to the mall. Mr. Rebel needed new jeans and is in between sizes (and clothing departments...boys' section to men's section). Shopping for him is an adventure. We finally found a few pairs at Old Navy that were on clearance (thank goodness!!!) for $16.99 a pair. that is comparable to what I would have paid at KMart or WalMart (yes, I checked). He will have growing room but they fit him well enough to keep him from getting picked on.

After finding the pants, DH took me to my portion of the trip. A previously closed section of the mall has been reopened to house a CRAFT2000!!! Oh, happy day! Til today, I had never been in one of them. It is one of the most fabulous stores I have ever been in. I didn't explore even half the store. I did zero in on the yarn, though. Lovely aisles. Lovely. I brought home three one-pound bags of cotton mill ends. Each bag is one shade, which is not always the case.

So, after that we left the mall. DH decided it was time to eat (it really was) and so off we went. Following lunch, which was fabulous, we went to Cabela's. Since DH and I are taking the boys camping next year, he and I wanted to get a tri-legged cast iron dutch oven for cooking. I wanted it early so I can practice on how NOT to burn dinner! After doing the general looking around that we always do, we looked specifically for the 10-inch 6-qt dutch oven we wanted. It was nowhere! The product-finder kiosk stated that there was one in the store. Um, nope. So, while he went to look at knives with the boys, I went to customer service. I absolutely LOVE our Cabela's customer service desk. I don't know about other stores, but our store has a great customer service desk. They helped me locate one at the distribution center (basically right across the street) and we had fun laughing our way through finding it. DH was thrilled when I gave him the piece of paper and even more so when I actually put it in the van after picking it up from the distribution center.

After that we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and picked up a knife magnet for the kitchen so that we can get our knives out of the utensil container (bad for knives! and for parents of a student chef). Dh will put it up tomorrow. Then, we stopped at a place that DH said I can cross off my Bucket List ---- Cold Stone Creamery! Fabulous! Then we came home and had dinner. Yeah, we had dessert first. It was fun though.

The whole day was fun! We spent a wonderful day with the two boys, enjoyed the sun (much of our visit to Cabela's was actually outside looking at tents and watching them carve logs with chainsaws), and visited with each other. Even with everything we did, we still got home in time for the boys to shower and be in bed ON TIME! Lol! Yep, they went to bed about 20 minutes ago! That even includes a phone call to Pittsburgh because the boys were missing their older brother. Tomorrow, they will be calling their oldest brother. Thank you, God, for giving us a full day of family and still keeping us on schedule. Today was such a blessing.


Dana said...

Sounds like a great time was had by all! Glad you are feeling a bit better and have a DH who takes you to your favorite places! Is it just me, or does $16.99 seem like a whole lot of money for one pair of pants?! CRAZY what prices are now-a-days, and frustrating too. *grumble grumble*
Even the salvation army is getting too pricy for my taste! SERIOUSLY!

Jen said...

$16.99 is a lot for a pair of jeans but he is such as odd size right now that I feel lucky to how found those few. The younger one will need a pair or two soon but I can find him decent ones at Goodwill or even for $10 at "the store you don't like" (lol).

We did have a great time. We got the stuff to cook with the dutch oven yesterday. Now, we just have to decide on what to fix first that I won't burn too badly. Lol!

Kim said...

I am sooooo Jealous!!!!! Crafts 2000 is my FAVORITE craft store!!!!! Of course in Colorado we do not have ONE!!!! I'm glad to hear that you were able to have a great family day.