
Friday, October 12, 2007

Today I went to rehab with Mom. She is doing so well! Of course, she is exhausted by the time she gets finished but the therapists are thrilled with her progress. Guess what?! Thursday I took her to the store to get her out of the house for a bit and she WALKED for 45 minutes! She hasn't been able to walk a store like that in over 6 months! I am so proud of her!

For those that sent me encouraging vibes in dealing with my migraine, I thank you so very much. Ewokgirl, I will be checking my library for that book. After the experience with Topamax, I am so iffy on going on another medication. I still have my Maxalt, but I don't think I want to get another med in my system right now. Dana, don't worry, okay? It's all good. The worst seems to be over for now. I have gotten through the majority of withdrawal from the Topamax and things have evened out a bit. Granted, my head doesn't feel that fantastic at the moment but we have a storm front moving through. As for Mom...she knows you and G are thinking of her. Her policy is that her kids have lives and families of their own. If it was an emergency, she knows you would be here immediately.

So, abrupt change of subject! The photo shoot for Saturday has been rescheduled. T is suffering from cabin fever and wants to spend time with D for a change. No books, no stove, no chefs. We have things penciled in for Nov. 3, which will be interesting since that is my oldest's birthday. Oh, well. It will work out. If we get lucky, maybe it will have snowed by then. Can you just imagine those shots?! Oh, I can hardly wait!

1 comment:

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

That's really great news about your mom being able to walk around! What a blessing!

I, too, am affected by changes in barometric pressure. If you can tolerate benadryl, that might help you in warding off some migraine pain. If a front is coming through, sometimes I'll take a benadryl with a Darvocet, and it'll take care of it. Sometimes. (That's considered mild meds for me since I usually have to take something stronger for migraine.) And of course, it's not safe for me to drive after that combo, but I'm generally unaffected by benadryl's sedative effect. But I built up an immunity years ago when it was all that gave me any relief from chronic hives...

I do hope your library will have that book. I sound like a cheesy informercial, but that book changed my life. I was actually down to only a couple of migraines a month after following the program. However, I went to a chiropractor for back pain a few months later, and my migraines were back. Doh!