
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Migraines & Mom - Part 3

So, mom is home now. She is going to have rehab 2-3 times a week to keep her knee moving. So far she is doing well. We went out to one of her churches on Sunday (She came home on Saturday) for a wedding. She did not officiate because she wouldn't have been able to stand that long. However, she had another pastor coming anyway and he performed the service. It was wonderful. The groom owns a flower shop, so of course there were flowers everywhere! They were just gorgeous. The bride wore a tea-length, autumn brown satin dress. It was beautiful.

One of the blessings during the wedding on Sunday evening was that it was my first afternoon/evening without a migraine. I had one that morning that was taken care of with my medicine and time. Thankfully, I was able to function through it. Since going off my Topamax, I have been in a constant state of migraine. One long period of pain. I was finally able to describe the pain to my husband. It feels like someone is shoving a pike into my skull and using a blade to scrape the thinnest layer of skin off my scalp. ...Lovely...

My pain tolerance has increased, though. I seem to be able to handle the...geez, what can I call it?...symphony of pain, I guess. My worst day was Saturday, September 29 (?). The 16-year-old took his girlfriend to Homecoming at the high school and I was the driver. We drove the 30 minutes north to pick her up and take pictures with friends before dinner. On the way to drop them at the restaurant, my migraine hit - HARD. I faked a smile and a laugh expertly. Since they were eating just a few minutes from the rehab center Mom was at, I was going to see her until they were finished. I stopped to get some food and, in tears, drove to the center. I could hardly see by the time I got to Mom. I tried to eat but it was like cardboard in my mouth. I curled up on Mom's bed and slept for over an hour before the kids called to be picked up. I, again, faked the smile and laugh all the way to the house - I had a young lady who's hair was in need of repair. I then drove them to the dance. After I left the school, I had to call my husband. My head was causing me such agony, I had to have him talk to me just so I could make it home. When he got me in the door, he was prepared - medicine, water, wet washcloth, bed - all ready to go. I was helpless, couldn't function on my own at all. I seriously thought I was going to be able to get over this in a few hours and then pick up the kids and take them to the bonfire party at a friend's house. I woke up at 2:30 a.m. when my husband came home from taking the teenager's girlfriend home from the bonfire.

After sleeping until 8 a.m., I awoke still suffering from the migraine. It didn't go away until almost 1p.m., when we left for my MIL's birthday party. That was a rough 18 hours.

I am hoping that I can keep the migraines under control through the weekend. I have a photo shoot with a couple on Saturday and Mom has church on Sunday. The photo shoot is going to be a blast! It is my husband's best friend from high school and her life-partner. They did not have any formal photos for their ceremony (I think it was a year ago?) and would like me to do an album for them. They loved the photos I did for T's culinary portfolio assignment and my oldest's senior pictures, so they are thrilled I am going to do this with them. I got paid in CAKE when I did T's culinary shots. I wonder if I can get BROWNIES this time. Hubby LOVES brownies. See? You don't have to get money...bartering is fantastic! I just love that T is in culinary school!

This is one of the water lilies my MIL has growing in her Koi pond. Every time I have been over there, the lilies are closed but at her birthday party they were open and beautiful. This is an unedited photo, right down to the little bug on the petal. Lol!


Martha said...

Beautiful flower.
I think about you and your migraines often and pray for you always, honey.

Jen said...

Thanks, Aunt Martha. Love you bunches.

Mary Maruscak said...

So sorry to hear you're having to deal with all that pain. I wish I knew something about migraines so I could give you some advice, but I don't. It sounds unbearable, and I'm impressed with your strength to get through and continue with your life. Thinking about you and hoping things get better, soon.

Jen said...

Mary, thank you. I think about you often and hope that you are doing well. I look forward to the day you feel good enough to post something new. Hugs.

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

I'm so sorry you're having a hard time with migraine right now. Topomax is evil stuff, IMO. My main problem with it was paranoia, but I do remember having slight memory problems. For me, though, it was just an inability to call up words, nothing like you've experienced! Scary stuff.

I think I've mentioned this to you before, but I highly recommend Heal Your Headache: The 1-2-3 Program for Taking Charge of Your Pain by David Buchholz. I found this book to be of more help than any preventive drug my doctor ever gave me.

Jessica said...

i hope your pain eases. i can't imagine how hard it must be to struggle through migraines and still get on with daily life.
The water lily photo is beautiful! i love all your photos - you've definitely got "the eye"! Have a great day (hopefully migraine free)!

Dana said...

Just reading about your day (Sept.29) made me cry. I'm so sorry Jenny. You really are so strong to be able to continue to "deal" while in so much pain.

Thanks for the update on Mom too...I feel awful being so far away at such a critical time.