
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The things people eat...

For a while now I have been posting photos only. I have been unsure of what to post.

The first link below will lead you to a page about natural sugar substitutes. Why am I writing about this? Well, I am allergic to chemical sugar substitutes (most people are, they just don't realize it). This site lists multiple options for individuals that cannot have sucrose (regular table sugar) but think that chemical substitutes are their only option. Chemical substitutes are NOT the only option. They just have funding and PR people working for them.

Now, I realize that many people feel that sugar substitutes are wonderful but do they realize what they are doing to their bodies? Diet/Sugar-free products claim to not have any, or very little, calories. That is because our bodies cannot process the drug, at least it SHOULDN'T process it. Everyone is different and there are many people whose bodies DO process the drug. That means they have a caloric intake from it. Not to mention, sugar substitutes make you HUNGRY.

Look, after reading and researching just a little bit you may realize what a danger this stuff is. Sure, you may have to look for a while before you find something else that works for you but why stuff your body full of a drug that is toxic. I mean, some of the chemicals used to create sugar substitutes can actually make formaldehyde!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Take a moment...and dream...

Creating again...

A wonderful woman that attended physical therapy with my mother ordered these four Cane Bracelets. She has the same style of cane that these were originally created for so my design would not have to be reworked to fit hers.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Landmark No More...

I had never been inside this building, with it's rundown exterior and sad, gaze-less windows. I did not know the original purpose of its structure, its calling in the world. All I did know about this building was that it always had the most beautiful mural on the outside walls. They have faded over time and, to some, lost their appeal. To me, I loved to disappear into another world, an Eden, where you could be anything, anyone. I loved to imagine that our world looked like the murals on these walls. . .

Unfortunately, the doorways to another imagining were torn down today. I did not get there fast enough to capture forever the whole view of the fantasy world I love to escape to. Just one lovely, forested waterfall still struggling to flow, trying to hold on to a time long lost. Hopefully, the few moments of time that I managed to capture will be enough. Hopefully, I will not forget the joy and release those worlds brought me for so many of my still-young years.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

Traditional Medicinals ©

Oh, okay. So I forgot to put this in my first post of the day.

DH and I went grocery shopping last night. In the second store of the evening, as we passed the organic foods section, I noticed they had boxes of tea. Upon closer investigation I discovered it was almost the entire line of Traditional Medicinals© herbal and organic teas. I have a box of the Nighty Night tea that my mom gave me a while back. I love it! I didn't think it would really do anything different for me but after a few cups I noticed a difference. It really helped my calm down and get ready for a good night's rest.

I don't usually promote things like this, as it may tend to bug some people, but I encourage everyone to browse their site or look for it in the stores. One of the great things is they have several teas that are Fair Trade Certified. I will stumble all over it if I try to explain what that is, so just click the link and enjoy. They do a much better job of telling you what Fair Trade does for the farmers.

For those that want just a straight link to the website, here it is. Explore and enjoy!

Oh, and DH bought me two boxes! He knew I was almost out. He is such a sweet man.
Today I went to rehab with Mom. She is doing so well! Of course, she is exhausted by the time she gets finished but the therapists are thrilled with her progress. Guess what?! Thursday I took her to the store to get her out of the house for a bit and she WALKED for 45 minutes! She hasn't been able to walk a store like that in over 6 months! I am so proud of her!

For those that sent me encouraging vibes in dealing with my migraine, I thank you so very much. Ewokgirl, I will be checking my library for that book. After the experience with Topamax, I am so iffy on going on another medication. I still have my Maxalt, but I don't think I want to get another med in my system right now. Dana, don't worry, okay? It's all good. The worst seems to be over for now. I have gotten through the majority of withdrawal from the Topamax and things have evened out a bit. Granted, my head doesn't feel that fantastic at the moment but we have a storm front moving through. As for Mom...she knows you and G are thinking of her. Her policy is that her kids have lives and families of their own. If it was an emergency, she knows you would be here immediately.

So, abrupt change of subject! The photo shoot for Saturday has been rescheduled. T is suffering from cabin fever and wants to spend time with D for a change. No books, no stove, no chefs. We have things penciled in for Nov. 3, which will be interesting since that is my oldest's birthday. Oh, well. It will work out. If we get lucky, maybe it will have snowed by then. Can you just imagine those shots?! Oh, I can hardly wait!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Migraines & Mom - Part 3

So, mom is home now. She is going to have rehab 2-3 times a week to keep her knee moving. So far she is doing well. We went out to one of her churches on Sunday (She came home on Saturday) for a wedding. She did not officiate because she wouldn't have been able to stand that long. However, she had another pastor coming anyway and he performed the service. It was wonderful. The groom owns a flower shop, so of course there were flowers everywhere! They were just gorgeous. The bride wore a tea-length, autumn brown satin dress. It was beautiful.

One of the blessings during the wedding on Sunday evening was that it was my first afternoon/evening without a migraine. I had one that morning that was taken care of with my medicine and time. Thankfully, I was able to function through it. Since going off my Topamax, I have been in a constant state of migraine. One long period of pain. I was finally able to describe the pain to my husband. It feels like someone is shoving a pike into my skull and using a blade to scrape the thinnest layer of skin off my scalp. ...Lovely...

My pain tolerance has increased, though. I seem to be able to handle the...geez, what can I call it?...symphony of pain, I guess. My worst day was Saturday, September 29 (?). The 16-year-old took his girlfriend to Homecoming at the high school and I was the driver. We drove the 30 minutes north to pick her up and take pictures with friends before dinner. On the way to drop them at the restaurant, my migraine hit - HARD. I faked a smile and a laugh expertly. Since they were eating just a few minutes from the rehab center Mom was at, I was going to see her until they were finished. I stopped to get some food and, in tears, drove to the center. I could hardly see by the time I got to Mom. I tried to eat but it was like cardboard in my mouth. I curled up on Mom's bed and slept for over an hour before the kids called to be picked up. I, again, faked the smile and laugh all the way to the house - I had a young lady who's hair was in need of repair. I then drove them to the dance. After I left the school, I had to call my husband. My head was causing me such agony, I had to have him talk to me just so I could make it home. When he got me in the door, he was prepared - medicine, water, wet washcloth, bed - all ready to go. I was helpless, couldn't function on my own at all. I seriously thought I was going to be able to get over this in a few hours and then pick up the kids and take them to the bonfire party at a friend's house. I woke up at 2:30 a.m. when my husband came home from taking the teenager's girlfriend home from the bonfire.

After sleeping until 8 a.m., I awoke still suffering from the migraine. It didn't go away until almost 1p.m., when we left for my MIL's birthday party. That was a rough 18 hours.

I am hoping that I can keep the migraines under control through the weekend. I have a photo shoot with a couple on Saturday and Mom has church on Sunday. The photo shoot is going to be a blast! It is my husband's best friend from high school and her life-partner. They did not have any formal photos for their ceremony (I think it was a year ago?) and would like me to do an album for them. They loved the photos I did for T's culinary portfolio assignment and my oldest's senior pictures, so they are thrilled I am going to do this with them. I got paid in CAKE when I did T's culinary shots. I wonder if I can get BROWNIES this time. Hubby LOVES brownies. See? You don't have to get money...bartering is fantastic! I just love that T is in culinary school!

This is one of the water lilies my MIL has growing in her Koi pond. Every time I have been over there, the lilies are closed but at her birthday party they were open and beautiful. This is an unedited photo, right down to the little bug on the petal. Lol!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Migraines & Mom - Part 2

For Dana - I completely agree about the food Mom has to be eating but from she says, it is pretty decent. They give her fruits and vegetables that she really likes and that has a lot to do with her weight loss, I believe.

Well, the doctor has taken me off the Topomax. He agreed with my husband, who wanted to flush my pills down the toilet, that this has to stop. So, for the next month the whole family gets to help me keep track of my migraines.

Migraines & Mom

Okay, so Mom had her surgery on her left knee. She is now in a rehab center for a few weeks and is doing very well. Besides her knee healing, she has also lost weight! YAY! This is what we have been waiting for. It is difficult to exercise if you can't walk - now she is starting to lose weight that she has been trying to get off for years.

I am going to the doctor today. I actually have to leave in a few minutes. I just needed to get this out of my system first. My migraine medication, the preventative - Topomax, is causing me so many problems. The good things no longer outweigh the bad. I can't continue with it. My memory STINKS! I am unable to remember things the kids have told me. I don't remember conversations. I can't concentrate on anything - I haven't made any jewelry in so long! I am unable to focus on simple tasks, like cleaning the house. Ugh! It's a monumental feat to get things done. I lost the van in the store parking lot the other day. This wasn't just forgetting the exact location but knowing the general direction to go - I LOST THE VAN! Luckily, my 18-year-old was with me and I just followed him, after I told him I did not remember where the van was.

My system reacts to medication in such an odd fashion. I could only take 1/4 of the dose of Topomax my doctor wanted me to take. I don't like the way I am right now. I don't like forgetting things. I am afraid that one day I will forget to go get the kids or even forget that I have kids.

Am I scared? Yeah. Do I think that another medication is the answer? . . . I don't know. I just want to be me again.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mom walked today...

I just took a call from my mom. She walked from her bed to the doorway of her hospital room! Of course, she then started to get a little fuzzy from the pain in her knee but the nurses and therapists took care of her. I am so thrilled that she is doing better! The pain had been so bad that she was unable to put any weight on it the day after, like the doctors were hoping she would.

I am going to dinner with my longtime friend Rachel this evening. Plans were that I would meet her at her home but I think I will just meet her at the restaurant. This way I can spend a few hours with Mom at the hospital.

A few days ago...

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Well, Mom had her knee surgery today. She is in a fair amount of pain but that is being managed with the medication they are giving her. After reporting to the hospital before 10 a.m. this morning for check-in, with the anticipation of surgery at 12 noon, she wasn't taken back into the O.R. until almost 4 p.m. It made things rough, having to spend the whole day in the waiting rooms, jumping when the phone rang, hoping the next doctor stepping in was going to be hers. In the end, things went well.

One of the many unique things about today, I had a few brief, wonderful conversations with my SIL's mother. Dana's mom was in visiting and was able to talk with me about Mom when I called to leave a message for her and my brother. She is such a sweet lady! Dana, Mom says to tell your mom, "Thank you."

Another unique moment occurred throughout the day. Aunt Martha took the day off and came to the hospital with us. She brought this fantastic book on photography that she checked out from our local library! Now, the three of us (me, Grandpap, and Aunt Martha) are determined to BUY THAT BOOK! It is full of wonderful information and humor! Plus, I had a blast playing with Pap with it. I would leave the waiting room - he would take it; he would leave the waiting room - that thing was mine! Aunt Martha laughed and giggled every time! Now, if I could just remember the name of that book. Help!

Oh, and the photos posted for today, I took today. The petunia was shot this morning in Grandma's yard while the dew still rested on the petals, before we left for the hospital. The clouds and sun were shot through the glass of the waiting room window (Aunt Martha saw a flag hanging down the street - she humors me - and then we saw this shot).

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

Night Flag

(due to getting a new computer, I have had to edit this post and repost my Night Flag)

I have a new flag photo. I am thinking of entering it into next year's county fair photography contest. Seems I have a penchant for our nation's flag! It was taken at a local family restaurant by standing directly underneath it while the wind made it whip and curl. It looks like it is just hanging there, gently billowing.


I am hoping that I can post more than one video on here for you to see. It may not work but we shall see. Animoto is a very cool site. If your video is 30 seconds or less, it's free. Over that and there is a fee. I don't know how much but from the looks of what they can do, I think it would be worth it if you were really trying to get something out there for people to see.

Playing with video

Animoto Video. Thought I would give it a go. Turns out it's really great! I think I shall make a few more!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Speech Evaluation

The meeting with Little Pirate's speech teacher was this morning. She giggled A LOT! She said she thoroughly enjoyed working with him! Most of his vocabulary skills and item recognition are 1-2 years ahead of his age, which is great. He has NO - and I mean NO - problems with conversation skills. This child can talk! It's his blending and some of his verb usage that needs work. She is hoping that with 30 minutes a week, broken up into ten minutes a day with a day off, we should should have him sorted out by the end of kindergarten at the latest.

*giggle* She told me how Little Pirate had to identify pictures. One was of a scholar but he recognized it as a graduate, which lead to a conversation about Isaac (his oldest brother) who just graduated from high school in May, which lead to a conversation about college. Okay. She let him have that one. He has good reasoning skills, she told me. She loves his thought patterns. He absorbs it, processes it, changes it so he can understand it, and then moves on to the next. It's like - Okay, I'm done! NEXT!

The book the picture of the scholar was in is the type that you look through it, get to the end, flip it upside down and go through it the other way. It's a regular paper book (as apposed to a board book) that's about an inch thick. She told me that until Little Pirate, she has never had a kindergartener go through the whole thing! It was like he couldn't get enough of it! She loved it!

I am relieved that he is going to get some help. I was at the end of my rope. I wanted to help him so much but nothing I did worked. I know it's not my fault. Every child is different. I just want him to be able to talk with his friends as he gets older without the fear of getting picked on because of his speech. Kids can be vicious sometimes. Little Pirate is a smart little scrapper and he processes things so fast. He just can't shape his mouth right sometimes. Mrs. E. is going to be a great help to him.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

When did they grow up?!

It happens so fast, we never see it coming. No matter how many minutes, how many hours, how many days we spend with them they always seems to grow faster than our hearts want. Mr. Rebel is in third grade this year. Just yesterday he was starting kindergarten and NOW -- *sigh*-- now, he is walking his little brother to the bus stop so HE can go to kindergarten.

Little Pirate has been so thrilled about school but still nervous enough to stick to his brother without a problem. Mr. Rebel is going to be just fine! He really likes his class and his teachers. His homeroom teacher has been waiting for him for FOUR years! LOL!

Before Mr. Rebel started school, the county hosted a summer kindergarten program to prepare students for school. Mr. Rebel's teacher was introduced to his wonderful personality in full techni-color! She handled it with grace! We worked together to help him understand the rules, came up with a reward system just for him (good behavior = 5 minutes of Video Game time at the end of the week) and he had a blast for four weeks. She put a request in at the office that SHE get Mr. Rebel. She checked on him all the time, talked to him during the day, just generally kept tabs on him. Well, she got him! All the teachers are probably breathing a sigh of relief! So far, he is doing well.

Little Pirate is going to be in Speech Therapy. He doesn't like to use his 's' at the beginning of words and he has difficulty with his L's. I have been talking with the instructor since Tuesday (ran into her after a general orientation meeting with third grade teachers). Because my husband and I know Little Pirate has some speech issues and we aren't in denial about it, she has been able to waive the waiting period. I have another meeting with her on Friday morning to go over the results of Little Pirate's evaluation from Wednesday (they evaluate the whole school every year). From there, I should know the extent of work he has to do at home and what he will be doing in school. Technically, he will be listed as being in Special Education because she has to take him out of regular class to go to Speech. She seemed to think I would be worried about that. Oh, well. No big.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Down time...

Okay, so I have been absent from posting for a while. I have been frantically getting the kids prepared to start school, going to the first few events for the marching band the 16-year-old is in, and getting my husband back up on his feet (without a cane).

What happened to my husband? Well, it all happened the weekend my brother and his family came to visit. I take my mom to her churches since driving has become a problem with her knees (more on that later). This particular Sunday, all three of her children and their families were supposed to go to church with her -- yeah, right!!! My alarm didn't go off, running late, husband fetches mom while I am getting ready, she and I then drive out to her churches without my family (no time!) and it's POURING RAIN! Yeah, my SIL Dana had a very exciting ride with my brother. After I left the house, my husband gets a call from one of our sons' friends (he's the one who just joined the Marines). He's stuck in the middle of the rain with a rare first edition book in his back pack -- he needs a ride! Hubby, I love him so much, tells the older boys what is happening, races out the front door --- and jumps off the top step.

To make a long story shorter, he broke a bone in his foot with that jump. Right where the cast wouldn't do him any good. So, since Monday, he has finally been back in his regular shoe. No more walking shoe from the doctor, no more ace bandage, no more cane! Maybe next time he does something like this, it won't take me four days of badgering to get him to the doctor. Luckily, he was on vacation already and spent most of his time with his foot propped up. *sigh* I love having my husband back!


My youngest started school on Wednesday. It was with mixed feelings that I put him on that school bus. I want him to grow up and be a good, responsible young man that doesn't cling to Mommy...but my house is too quiet!!! *sigh* I like his teacher and get a good feeling from her. I believe he will do well in her class. PLUS, he sits diagonal from her desk! Good spot for him, knowing my son! LOL! His first school paper is on the refrigerator and he already has a friend. His big brother (8) makes sure that he gets on the bus with him and sits beside him to make sure he is not picked on.

Once I work a few other things out, I should be okay to get a part-time job and maybe take a few classes. We'll see.


Mom's knees...well, there bad. Very bad. No cartilage at all, in either of them. So, on September 20, barring any difficulties or changes in schedule, she is having surgery. The left one first. When that one is healed enough, the right one will be done.

Oh, and I am thieving her purse and lightening that 50lb. back-breaker she carries around! I have already told her this. She said she had to have what is in it. I told her she could keep the crayons -- all grandmas need crayons. The rest is debatable!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lamp Post (no pun intended)

Several weeks ago, my husband's company had their somewhat-annual picnic (not a traditional thing, but it happens every once in a while). I took my two younger sons and my niece to the playground area that was nearby so that they wouldn't be underfoot. While there I saw so many beautiful baskets hanging from old-fashioned lamp posts. This one had the lake's water fountain behind it. I though it was pretty.


5 Minutes For Mom is giving away an HP Photosmart Compact Printer!! It's a tiny thing, too! Tiny but loaded with stuff! One of the best doesn't need to be plugged into a computer to work-all you have to do is insert your digital camera's memory card and start printing!! If you are like me and have a hard drive full of family pics, you need to check this out! Go on over there and check it out, and leave them a comment!! Even if you don't win, this looks like a great asset to have in your house! Especially if you have a camera addiction!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Migraines & Marines

My migraines have been kicking at me for the last week. I actually had to fill my prescription for my Maxalt. The pharmacy could only give me a partial fill because they ran out of the pills I take. When I went in on Monday to get the rest, they had a call in to the doctor's office to see if they could give me the quick-dissolve strips due to the wait-list for Maxalt tablets. They had placed the call in the morning and I was there at 3 p.m. They were still waiting.

So, what does any self-respecting person do when faced with a frazzled pharmacist who is getting more frazzled by the minute due to the number of prescriptions to fill and this ONE prescription is not getting anywhere? I pull out my cell phone and call my doctor's office! I tell them what is going on and they tell me that my file is on the doctor's desk and that he will get to it when he Oh - bad idea. My mom, who is with me because we had been to that same doctor's office to pick up x-rays of her knees, takes my phone and calls back. She asks for a certain medical tech that works there and is transferred. After explaining the issue she hands me the phone and says, "Give the phone to the pharmacist." Yes, ma'am! Two minutes later my prescription is on it's way to being filled! Thank you, Uncle John!!!I have no idea how the strips will effect me but I do know that some people have said they leave a bad taste in your mouth.

I did experience a sad thing the other day. Well, sad to me. My younger brother would probably do a happy dance since he had been trying to get me to quit drinking pop for years! My pop separated!!! Ewokgirl said that she experienced this when she was on certain meds for migraines. The syrup and carbonated water seem to separate in the mouth and you can taste them individually. Ewwwww!

A good friend of our sons', and a young man we consider one of our own, has made a decision that has been in his heart for over two years. On Monday, August 20, he leaves for Parris Island to begin Boot Camp for the United States Marine Corps. His MOS will be Computer Avionics (Radar). He will be back just in time for Christmas. The kicker of it? His girlfriend is leaving in September for the Airforce!!! Semper Fi!!!

Ewokgirl asked about me being able to get samples of my medication. Yes, I have gotten samples from my doctor but with my migraines coming more often and with more intensity, he felt it was safer for me to have a prescription on hand, should I need it. Good thing he did because I had no more samples left when my migraine hit the Friday I tried to fill my prescription. At least I was able to get a partial fill that day and the rest on Monday. It all worked out in the wash.


I haven't really been taking any new photographs worth posting but I have been learning to use Paint.NET. It has been interesting, to say the least. I haven't figured out a lot of the things that most people can do with ease. I have some difficulty running through tutorials that are listed on the website but I think that is mainly from my meds not letting my brain process the information correctly, since one minute it is gibberish and the next I completely understand it. Hopefully, I will be able to work my way through all the functions and options available to me, soon.

For now, here is an existing picture that I played around with.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Photo Editing

Well, I have officially confused myself. Hehehe. Unfortunately, most people that know me would say that it does not take much to do that.

I downloaded Paint.NET the other day and am having a doozy of a time teaching myself how to use it! I figured out how to do black & white photos with a touch of color. I figured out how to use the clone tool a bit.

My goal is to see if I can make a collage. The reason? On the way out to my mom's churches there are a couple old trees that are partially hollow. They actually have a fence running THROUGH them! I am going to get photos of them during all seasons. Hopefully, I can make them into a Four Season Collage. It is just an amazing thing to see. The landowners could have easily cut down the trees but chose to keep them, just running the fence through the existing opening. It's wonderful!

Oh, and if you have any tips on using Paint.NET, feel free to leave a comment. PLEASE!!! LOL!

Edit: Dana asked about my camera having the function to shoot in black and white with a certain color chosen to show up IN color. Yes, it can. I was playing with the Paint.NET program the way I was because I have a bunch of color photos I think would look rather nice in black and white with just a hint of color.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What A WEEK!!!

Family fun has gleefully kept me from posting recently and I don't regret it one bit. My SIL, Dana, and my brother came to visit this past weekend. It was wonderful to see him, again! I have missed him so much and to get to hug him was a gift I can't ever describe with any accuracy. Oh, the hugs! The hugs! Boy, did I get hugs! My two newest nephews, Stickyfingers and Crumbgrabber, were just so willing to give Aunt Jenny hugs! I loved it!!!

Dana brought some beautiful cards that she made for me (people, the pictures on her blog don't do justice to her work!). She graciously worked her magic for me, so that I might have a more personal card to give my best friend of fifteen years. I ended up with THREE! The one that is going to be used is just perfect! The colors are exactly what I think of when Rachel comes to mind and the design is the right combination of modern/romantic, I think.

Another bonus of this past weekend: I received my part of the barter I was in with Bobbie. May I just say, "Wow!" I am astounded at the talent. All of you need to go to her blog and see what she creates! One of the best parts? Dana was in the kitchen with me when I opened the package! We got to 'Ooh' and 'Aah' over them together. They are just so pretty, I want to put them in a frame! Thanks, Bobbie! They are wonderful!

On a sadder note, Jessica, one of Dana's friends (who's blog I have been lurking in for a few weeks) had computer meltdown. She lost everything on that computer, including pictures from the last few months that she hadn't backed-up yet. Ouch. I think I will get started on mine. Maybe we all should.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Black-Eyed Susans

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday, a check up for my migraines and how the medicine is working. Eh. So-so. The Topamax is holding at 25mg a day and doing well. The Maxalt is not working as well as it did in the beginning. I go back in three months with instructions to come in earlier if I am having difficulty.

Outside of the doctor's office is a huge bunch of Black-Eyed Susans. I have been debating on making an idiot out of myself for a few months and laying on the landing, leaning over and snapping a picture. So far, I have avoided it. On Monday, I became a goof. The picture is decent, though.

Edit: To Ewokgirl, as far as taste goes, I take the pill version of Maxalt. My doctor just asked me Monday if I would like to try the quick-desolve dose but I declined. I was thinking that the aftertaste might be a bit much for me. However, I am noticing some taste changes. Pop is starting to taste a bit off. I am drinking more water than EVER. I was also asked by my doctor about trying Imitrex injections after my next visit. Oh, the joy.

The humidity is getting unreal here as well. I hope that you get some relief soon. You are in my thoughts.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Key Chains

I meant to post these before I went away for 5 days but that didn't work out. So, here are the key chains that I made for a Blogger Barter with Bobbie. It only took me a few days to complete them and I had a lot of fun creating the designs.

Edit: Dana asked about the sturdiness of the keychains in her comment. Good question! All the keychains are made with a double-length of wire. The wire ends are then fed back through the top beads by 1/4 - 1/2 inch, depending on what the design allows. After I was done with each keychain, I pulled and twisted for everything I was worth, trying to ensure the strength. (Granted, I had to redo one in the process...*giggle*) As a disclaimer, I will say that these are not toys and should NOT be given to children to play with.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter 7

First, you shall get no spoilers or specifics out of me for at least a week! From my page, I will feel that you need a little more time. Especially if you have kids, work on weekends or have things that pop up unexpectedly.

I will say this -- Wow. Whoa. OMG! NO WAY! BUT...! NUH UH!!! Awww... YES! *tears* *tears* YAY!!! NO!!! Oh, MAN! *sigh*

Okay, I have gone through a bit of the emotions that I had to deal with. Top that off with that fact that I read this aloud to my husband and kids (if the kids happened to be in the room), and I sound a bit hoarse this morning. It took me until Sunday night, around 9PM to finish it. If any of you are reading the book, or have read it, we still have the movies!!!

I would also like to say that I have the best husband in the world! He sat in line for 6-1/2 hours at the store to get me this book! He was the first in line, there. I would have been with him but my nephews were spending the night and were having a blast playing here at the house.

Aunt Martha, thanks for giving the boys HP1 & 2, so many years ago. It opened a fantastic world for all of us!

Happy reading!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rockin' Girl

I was nominated by my SIL, Dana. She, herself, is an amazing woman...oh, excuse me...Rockin' Girl! Hehe.

How do I nominate 5 wonderful, Rockin' ladies when I mostly keep to myself? Simple. I don't. I just nominate those I know, that are absolutely wonderful. So, in the spirit of the event, here they are...even noting that some may have already been nominated.

  • Aunt Martha - Anyone have that one relative that you just love to visit? You know the one...they always have something neat to show you, something cool to do when you go to their house. That's Aunt Martha. She is an awesome person to be around. The stories she and her sisters (one being my mom) told us kids when we were little kept us laughing (Yump, Yonny, yump! I got a bwanket!!) The miniatures she taught us to make and the crafts she showed how to do kept us learning. Aunt Martha is such a fantastic influence on my life. I never have to be anyone but who I am. If things keep going the way they are, maybe we will see the same therapist for our camera addiction -- although, her DH says that we would just take pictures of therapy, so why bother!?

  • Dana - I know she has already been nominated but she's more than worth it! Dana is married to my younger brother (which can be an adventure in itself!), is an amazing mom to two beautiful boys, works full-time, and still squeezes in the minutes and hours to work her magic with paper and brads. I am in awe of all that she does. She is such a unique person, finding joy in everything around her, championing the causes that many of us are too afraid to touch and giving everything she is to family.

I know that it is only two but I truly keep to myself. In person, I would know your mother's maiden name in about 20 minutes but online I am a bit more introverted than I really am. Weird, huh?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter

So, the family went to see the new HP movie this weekend. DH and I talked ALOT about whether or not to take Little Pirate. Knowing how much darker this moving was going to be, we were concerned. In the end, we did take him. He only sat in my lap once and that was for about three seconds. After that, he was peachy!

Over all, the movie was good. Having read all the books, I feel they could have done better. That leaves room for Director's Cut versions, though! YAY!

Breaking from tradition, I have not read aloud the entire HP series to my husband in anticipation of the new book release. Isaac's graduation, my migraines, VBS and family obligations have prevented me from setting aside whole days for nothing but reading. Then, too, I do like having a voice to talk with. In preparation for book 6, I managed to sound like a dying frog when I was finished!

DH is letting me off the hook this time, reading Book 6 on his own. On Friday, he will go to the store around 11 p.m. and get in line. I get to stay home since my older brother's two boys will be staying the night that evening. What a fun night that will be! Burgers and fries, movies, popcorn, maybe chase the kids until they collapse from giggles! Sounds good! They should sleep soundly. Hehehe! Yeah, right! Four boys under 10-years-old? No way!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Still here...just busy!

So, here's a quick update.

Oldest started classes a week earlier than we thought, the 16-year-old had uniform fittings for band, I have had two migraines that snuck up on me, Saturday involves a Band Car Wash and a military funeral Mom is officiating, I have four jewelry projects that I HAVE to get done...what else?...oh, yeah!...I GOT A CALL BACK FOR A JOB!!!! YAY!!!

As I said, this will be quick! So, the job is for a church here in town, as their Wedding Coordinator. I have been doing this stuff on a volunteer basis for 10 years for my own church and I love it. When I get the chance to return to college, I plan on also taking accredited courses online for Wedding Planning/Coordinating. I don't just want to hang a shingle and say I can do this. I want the experience, yes, but I also want the credentials to go with it. I will say this, life can't be replaced by the classroom, sometimes.

I don't have the job, yet. The pastor (who is also my mom's supervising pastor) wants to meet with me again to go over the separation of responsibilities. That way I know what my job is and what his job is. I already know, but he is worried that I may try to take on his stuff since I worked with older pastors that weren't able to do as much and took on more tasks than traditionally necessary for an in-church coordinator. Hey, each church is different. They run it their own way. With well-established churches, such as this one, they have the weddings down pat. They just need a referee, basically. PICK ME! PICK ME! *insert jumping up and down here*

On a lighter note, I finally got my husband to play with my camera a little bit. He is the one who took the picture of me that is now on my profile. It took him 30 minutes to get that picture! I have all the rest to prove it! The shaking, the blurring, the bad focus...oh my. At last, he just put the camera on a stack of books, set the timer, and went about trying to make me laugh! We had fun. It all started, actually, with me wanting him to take pictures of my hair for my hair journal. I am getting it reshaped next week and wanted pictures just in case something went wrong and I had to get it severely cut!

Hey, this is the longest I have had my hair since I was in Kindergarten and gave myself a haircut! Besides, my younger brother's hair is long, too. Only thing is, his looks shorter but when you pull on those corkscrew curls, boy does it get long!!! Love you bunches, G!

Okay, the quick note has turned into a longer one. Just wanted to let you all know I was still here.

Quick Wedding Tip: To keep the Flower Girl and Ring Bearer in place during the wedding, (i.e. standing in one spot!) tape a Gold Dollar to the floor! Tell them that if they keep their foot on that coin the entire wedding, unless they HAVE to move, they get to keep it! After the ceremony, have the photographer take pictures of them on their hands and knees with the bride and groom getting the coin off the floor. Make sure that each child gets a copy of the picture as a keepsake. I have kids from 5 years ago that still have their dollars and their pictures! They loved the memory it made. The bride and groom loved the personal touch the pictures created.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

A Family's Fourth of July...

Moms, dads, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, grandparents, friends...and RAIN! (the one in the red is Mr. Rebel)

It was wonderful! No lightning, no thunder. Just a nice gentle rain that allowed for the kids to still play and have fun. Thankfully, all of us are 'old hats' at this and bring extra clothes for kids.

Aunt Martha and I had cameras going, to capture the joy of the day ( and to later use as bribery material! LOL!) So many things happened! We had a cow that blew bubbles, a cupcake flag cake that turned you blue if you ate the wrong cupcake, and a Harry Potter Conference! LOL!

The popsicles turned out beautifully! The Pied Piper (Aunt Martha) gave the kids a treat this year...they got to help retrieve the frozen goodies! Everyone had a blast with them. The green ones (can't remember the flavor) tasted exactly like watermelon Jolly Ranchers©! The chocolate pops were a big hit, even though a bit messy, but I don't think anyone was complaining! (oh, this is Little Pirate!)

The County Fireworks celebration was nice. Last year's was a bit more entertaining but then the trees were also shorter last year! LOL! Every year, we all sit in the yard/field between the two family homes and watch the fireworks from the fairgrounds. I remember years ago we were able to watch from Grandmas front yard! Then the trees started getting too tall! I did get some really decent shots, though.

The family fireworks were wonderful! We had the Passing of the Lighters this year! Yep! The younger generation got to play with fire around highly explosive gun powder. Aaahh, the joy! LOL! Seriously, though, they were very careful and adults were there for help and supervision. Since it had rained for a good part of the afternoon, we didn't even have to get the hose out to wet the ground on either side of the walk between the houses. That was one less thing to try and put away in the dark!

We all had a wonderful time. Although, I did miss the rest of my family (Happy Belated 4Th, New York!) I knew that they were having a good time of their own. And, Dana, can you send me your recipe for Salt Potatoes? I think I would like to try them.

Monday, July 2, 2007

New Picture!

I drove Mom to her churches on Sunday. Since we left early enough I was able to stop and take a few pictures. I added my favorite to the bottom of my blog as a page element. I hope you enjoy looking at it, maybe dream a little, too.

Crafty Weekend and Messy Monday

This weekend I made the four keychains I am bartering with a fellow blogger. I won't post them until after she receives them. I don't want to spoil any surprises so I will most likely get the pictures up by this weekend or early next week.

The knew pastor for the church called this morning. After talking a bit about different things in the church office and where they would normally go, I decided the easiest thing to do was to go the church myself. For the next 4 hours, Pastor April, my mom, and myself cleaned the church office and pastor's study. It was in a bit of shambles due previous events. I had been itching to get my hands on it anyway. When I was secretary at the church I don't think I ever had my office looking like that. Oh, well. Things happen to all of us and we move on, get over it, and start over. The office looks wonderful, now. The pastor's study is coming together fantastically. There are only a few more things for Pastor April to put away on the shelves and then she can move her things in.

I know some may ask why it wasn't cleaned beforehand but I really couldn't say. I haven't attended church there regularly in a while. I go on occasion (mostly when I can't get out of singing for my Aunt Nancy - choir director) and then also to volunteer for other events such as VBS or dinners that my husband will cook for. So that is why I have no idea why the church offices were not cleaned in preparation for the new pastor. Hey, we got rid of a bunch of unneeded junk, though! Yay!

Once we were done at the church, Mom and I headed to the store. We needed to get bleach for Pap to finish power washing the front porch and to look at beads. Yay! Beads!!! LOL! Anyway, Mom wants my to try and make a bracelet for her to give to each of the ladies in her Red Hatter group. I think I have a good pattern in mind. We found some purple glass beads a few weeks ago and I have been eyeing them ever since. They remind me of a set of dishes Mom had years ago. They are the same color and opaqueness, too. (pardon the spelling) The only bad thing about the dishes...I broke them...ALL of them. It was my turn to empty the dishwasher and the bottom plate in the stack was still a bit damp. They slipped. Dad only yelled at me once and that was to stay put! I was in bare feet amid millions of tiny shards of glass. After I was rescued from the kitchen, I cried. I loved those dishes. Mom never yelled at me. I knew she was sad. Those dishes came from home. They were Viking Glass from New Martinsville, WV. We lived in Louisiana when I broke them. (Mom, Greg broke one first! Remember the hotdog in Bastrop?!) Oh, well. We'll see what I can come up with.

While at Pap's dropping off Mom, she spotted a nest in the tree by the driveway. You know me, camera always close at hand.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Upcoming Projects...

Since VBS has passed, I have been catching up on some stuff at home. My wonderful husband has been a huge help! If I didn't have him helping to catch me up on laundry and dishes...well, we just won't go's not pretty! With all his help (I love him so much!) I should be able to start a few projects soon.

A set of 4 key chains, two Pink Jasper necklaces, and one 'Becca's Bracelet' (can be found in the jewelry slide show) are on the top of my list. I am hoping to get these all finished before the last week of July starts. I am supposed to help chaperon over 200 high school band students at the OVAC Band Camp held at a local college. I get to be on campus with hormonal, hyper teenagers for over 5 days. Pray for me...please...I am begging you!

In parting, here is a shot of a tree growing in my Pap's yard. He loves this tree! I think I may have to frame this picture for him!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

VBS Finale

It was amazing! We didn't have as many kids on Friday as we had on previous nights but that was okay. The ones that did come to VBS, immediately ran to the craft table to see what our "Master Crafter" had for them to start the evening! Many of them decided to make another shell necklace. That was unquestionably the favorite craft of the week!

After a bit of a nervous breakdown about the slideshow not working in the tv when I tested it (thank goodness I decided to test it at all!), and my uncle Richard and cousin Matt coming to my rescue with Aunt Nancy's laptop, things started moving along. The kids rehearsed their songs without the words on the overhead and did an amazing job. Then it was time for the Showcase!

We had invited parents, grandparents, and friends to come see the kids perform their music, see their crafts, and hear what they learned. The children were wonderful! When I turned on the overhead projector to put the song words on the wall, they all groaned! They had been at me since Wednesday to let them sing without we went 'cold-turkey' on PARENTS' NIGHT!!! They didn't miss a beat! They sang four songs with the music. The fifth song I had a hard time keeping the song and the music straight on my part, so we went a capella on the "King of Kings" round. It gave me goosebumps to hear those little voices singing with everything they had, filling that hall with sound.

Each child was given a completion certificate, as well as a copy of the picture that was taken of them in our 'boat'. They were so pleased to have their own picture. Thank goodness for 1 hour printing! After the pizza party, they got to take home any crafts that had finished drying, Bible memory tokens, and all the little things they accumulated during the week.

It was a wonderful week. Now, we get to go back on Monday and take it all down. Our pastor is being moved and the church is having a dinner for him on Sunday evening. He asked that all the decorations stay up for his dinner, he likes looking at them and wants to make sure that everyone has a chance to see what we did. I am sure going to miss him. He did so much for the church. Another church needs him, now. So, he has to go where he is being called.

I hope you all visit Aunt Martha's blog to see her slides of VBS. If you look carefully, you might even be able to figure out which one is me! LOL! Good luck!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

VBS Update

Oh, my. I am exhausted! I think it is a good exhausted, though. I am not sure yet. I will let you know.

The final night of VBS is here. Last night the kids carved "rocks" with Aunt Martha. Tonight they learn about the feeding of the five thousand during storytime.

The music is going over so well! Aunt Martha and I are about tied with which one the kids like best. Not to worry! I like both music and crafts! I grew up surrounded by both!

My Aunt Nancy and her daughter-in-law, Kim, have been able to help out a lot the last few days. They have been a blessing during craft time! Aunt Nancy has also been helping us take pictures of the kids. The pictures started out with just a shot of them in the boat that we made...

...then is escalated into a surpise that I have finally finished for tonight's presentation for the kids and their parents. SLIDESHOW! The first one we have ever had at VBS! I know many churches may have them, but this is a first for us (and me!).

Here's a view of the sunset we were blessed with last evening.

VBS - Day 1

Wow! We had such a wonderful time on Monday! Monday we ignored the lesson plan for the night because we invited Rabbi Lowry to come talk with the children.

It was a wonderful sight. All these little faces lined up on a pew in a United Methodist sanctuary listening to a Jewish Rabbi tell stories about all the things he brought to show them. They learned about the Torah - genuine Torahs are hand written and take scribes an average of two years to finish; it is written four columns at a time and then sewn together.

Rabbi taught them about the Prayer Shawl and the yarmulke. He smiled when we first came into the sanctuary, as Aunt Martha and my husband had worked so hard to finish the yarmulkes the boys were wearing. The girls had head covers. It was nice for them to be able to learn the history of the item the were wearing. Rabbi told them that the Prayer Shawl was to remind them of the Ten Commandments. The children were so good! They were so quiet, just sitting there listening. It wasn't the quiet of a bored child, either. It was the silent sound of captured interest. Rabbi had them and he knew it! You can see it in the smile on his face!

The children got to see a very old scroll that contained the story of Queen Esther written on parchment. It gave me goosebumps. He showed us his Menorah and told the story of Hanukkah. Rabbi explained a little bit about Passover and all about the ritual meal that Jewish families have every year. He even brought a box of Matzo for the kids to have during snack time so they could taste something similar to what the Israelites had before they left Egypt. Just before we left to go downstairs, he showed the children how to play dreidel and sing the song that went with it. It was wonderful! They all thanked him with smiles and excitement!

Rabbi told me later that he loved working with children. "They are our tomorrow...they need to know our yesterday," he told me. He was wonderful with them, helping them understand that if God is our One God and we are His children, that makes all of us brothers and sisters. I am so thankful that Rabbi Lowry was able to visit with us. He was able to show the children that their world is not as small as they would think. It was amazing. Sitting in the sanctuary of a United Methodist Church, hosting a Non-Denominational VBS, and listening to a Jewish Rabbi teach a group of children about the origin of their faith. God's hands and angel's wings...

(Oh, Rabbi gave Aunt Martha and I permission to post his pictures on our blogs on one condition...his bolo tie has to be straight!!! LOL!!!)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Are we done yet!?

For the past week I have been going to church with my aunt and my mom to decorate for Vacation Bible School. The other co-director had hand surgery on the 11th, so she hasn't been able to meet us every day. My husband, God bless him, has been such a big help. He has taken care of the house, managed the kids (which is is more than capable of doing), and put up with me coming in at 10:30 p.m. almost every night.

Saturday I spent all day out of the house, doing things for VBS, well, not all of it was VBS but tell that to my Mom when she sees a yard sale!!! The upside - I have maybe an hour's worth of work left and I am done (as long as we have decided not to paint-in the last two backdrops). The downside - I have had two major migraines this week. The first one last three days because I wouldn't take my pill. I was down to my last two and wanted to wait until I could get more from my doctor. I solved that issue on Friday. The second started Saturday when I was helping my mom trace a backdrop onto a flatsheet using an overhead projector. The bulb kept flickering, driving my vision nuts and triggering my migraine. Then the paint fumes when we painted two backdrops didn't help. I wasn't able to take my pill until I was just almost home since I only have 20 minutes from the time I take it until I start feeling it. This was a bad one, though.

I am officially exhausted and I haven't had the first day of VBS yet! We will see what that brings.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Little Pirates and VBS...

Well...the doctor that saw Little Pirate today was not prepared for a 5-year-old with a corneal abrasion. She thought she was getting a 60-year-old with a corneal cyst! Surprise, surprise! So, after doing pretty much the same thing that was done in the ER, I was told to bring him back on Monday to see the main specialist in the office. I should continue with the antibiotic drops that were prescribed by the ER physician and use a cold compress as needed for swelling. Basically, OOPS, come back on Monday! LOL!

I am sure that if Little Pirate had a serious problem with his eye we would not have been leaving the hospital. He did get to feel like Mr. Cool today! They had to dilate his eye, so he go to wear sunglasses EVERYWHERE! Even inside!

Following the interesting outings with the children, I had to go back to church with Aunt Martha and Mom to work on VBS again. We picked up a few more shower curtains and other odds and ends that we needed. I will post pictures once everything is done. It is starting to look so cool!!! So far, we have turned a piano into a rock, a lawnmower box into a boat and a coat rack into an ocean! Confused yet? It's great! You will love it! Just wait til Aunt Martha and I put up pictures...YES! Both of us will most likely be posting pictures of the same VBS. Why not?

My only concern is making sure I am ready for Rabbi. I am so nervous! I have never met him, but Mom has. He has agreed to come on Monday and teach the children about Temple. He is going to be our whole lesson. I wanted the children to learn as much as possible, as accurately as possible. Rabbi is apparently tickled pink about this! He has a son or grandson graduating from medical school this weekend, he is leaving for Southeast Asia middle of next week and he is acting like a kid in a candy store about coming to VBS! You know...I think I am going to have a great time with this gentleman.

As a 'Thank You' to Rabbi for taking the time to come and do this, we are going to take up an offering all week that will be donated to a charity he works with in his honor. I did not think that he would want something material, and after discussing the matter with my pastor it was agreed that this was a great idea.

Now, to finish a few more things before bed. Then tomorrow I am up early and going again. Picking up Mom and Aunt Martha to go to Lowe's to get Plaster of Paris and vermiculite for a stone-carving craft, going to church to paint backdrops, and then running the 16-year-old to a graduation party for a friend's sister. What a day!?

New Pictures!!!

Just let me know what you think...

I am trying to find out what is involved in making some of my photographs into greeting cards. So, that is the next project after I make some key chains following VBS. Here's the new stuff...

And it's only the beginning...

Wednesday, late afternoon - early evening, my youngest son say, "Ouch!"

"Are you okay, honey?" I ask.

"Yeah, Mommy. I am okay," comes the response from the living room. I am in the kitchen working on food stuff. I stick my head into the room just to make sure. He is rubbing his eye and it's a little red. I check it but see nothing. Fastforward several hours. The eye is redder, swollen, and he says it hurts. Now, he is the youngest of four, so I have been through a number of things with his brothers that has left me prepared for many things. So, I rinsed is eye with sterile saline solution, which made him feel much better, and gave him a cold compress to keep the swelling down.

Happy Thursday morning! Can anyone say "Emergency Room"? Yep, that's where we went. He has a Corneal Abrasion -- a scratch on his eyeball! Now, for the "how" of the scratch on his eyeball. Please know, this made the doctors and nurses in the ER laugh! Heck, the child got TWO freezer pops out of this!

While I was busy in the kitchen, my youngest decided to tear a page out of one of his coloring books. He then rolled it up into a telescope so he could pretend to be a pirate and...can you see it coming? went into his eye. *Sigh* With all the rubbing he did because of the paper he also scratched his eye. Yay. (note the heavy sarcasm and worry.)

So, this morning I am back to the medical center to see the eye specialist the ER referred us to. Hopefully, everything will be fine. I know I made light of it but to be honest, I am scared. My children's vision is so important to me. I turned my back for a few minutes and here I am. I know that the doctors in the ER said that I did everything right with the saline solution and the cold compress, but somehow that doesn't make me feel any better. Of course, I do have a name for him now. The 8-year-old is Rebel and the soon-to-be 6-year-old is Little Pirate. Brighter things. God's hands and angels wings...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Decade of Kisses...


Interesting choice of words, hmm? Well, ten years ago, on Friday, June 13, 1997, my husband kissed me for the first time. Truth be told, he got hold of my shirt, hauled me over to him and planted one on me. Wow. Still gives me goosebumps.

He married me one year and two weeks later. I am still trying to figure out what I did right in my life to deserve him. God really blessed me when he gave me my husband. I love that man.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Just a few flowers...

Spent time with my mom today. Of course. State the obvious, why don't I? LOL.

Took a few pictures of some flowers that I found along our travels. I am so glad that my camera goes with me everywhere!

Oh, and we found a fantastic shower curtain that we can use for Vacation Bible School!!!