
Thursday, May 31, 2007


Tonight is it. Isaac graduates from high school tonight. Oh, dear. No crying! I absolutely CANNOT handle a sinus headache, right now!

I remember the first time I met him. The skinny little kid, all knees and elbows, with his dad's blue eyes and the most beautiful, honest, "Hi, this is who I am"-smile I have ever seen. I remember when he barely came to my collarbone. Now, I barely come to his. He still has the same smile, when you can catch it. He wears contacts that make his eyes even bluer and he has grown into those knees and elbows.

Isaac is a truly amazing young man. I hope and pray that he will realize his own worth and know that he does not have to be anything or anyone but himself. As long as he holds to his values and responsibilities, and does not compromise on his integrity he will grow from a strong young adult into a strong and responsible man.

Congratulations, Isaac! I love you, honey. I am so proud of you and everything you have accomplished.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Went to the doctor's...

I had a check-up with my doctor Wednesday, since he put me on medication for my migraines on April 30th. After the adjustment in dosage, now only taking one 25 mg pill a day, I am doing well. Actually, I am doing amazingly well. He is keeping me on the 25 mg pill dose with instructions to call him if I get any increase in migraine. Normally, I would have had seven by now. I have had two -- that's what I said -- two! Hopefully, I won't have to increase my dose.

He has also put me on Magnesium Oxide, but I am a little iffy on taking straight magnesium. With as sensitive as my system is, and with this vitamin supplement also having laxative qualities, I don't know if I like that. I don't want to be chained to a bathroom all day!! Oh, well. The possibility of my migraines being lessened by building up the deficiency in my body outweighs some of the bad, I guess.

Oh, and I have lost 10 pounds! WOOHOO!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Pictures

The high school band my two oldest sons are members of played at a local communities' Memorial Day service. Most of the students arrived before the instrument bus and the band director, who went to the school to make sure the bus driver showed up to get the bus. Due to the early arrival of her out-going seniors, who were playing for her for the last time, they had some time to kill at the local park where the service was held. Here is what happened...

The excuse was that since it rained the previous evening, they were just making sure the seats were dry for little kids. Yeah, right!! They grow up so fast it is nice to see them enjoying just simply swinging on a swing.

Fast forward to about 9:30 p.m. that evening. The moon is almost full and looked just amazing. I am still learning about my camera and how to make different adjustments for different settings and preferences. So I have took the camera and my big tripod outside for a bit. The first picture is actually from Sunday night, with the bottom picture being from Monday night.

I know it is not perfect, but I like it. As long as it looks good to me, that's all that counts. *smile*

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rosebud Star

I know Aunt Martha has a blog title like this as well, but the stories go together, so...

Saturday morning, around 8:45 a.m., I was just getting up and logging on to my computer to check my email for the day. Phone rings. It was Aunt Martha - "Are you up yet? Are you on the computer yet?" She has this beautiful rose vine growing right at the edge of her back porch, up through an evergreen, and arching over the sidewalk, all without a trellis. Gorgeous. Anyway, she found a fantastic surprise that morning. A natural rosebud star! She wanted me to come take pictures of it since my camera is a bit better than the one she has, but I think the shot that she got is just wonderful!

While I was up visiting Aunt Martha, I also took pictures of Grandma's front garden next door. This is a bearded iris that was just shimmering in the early morning sun!

It was nice to be able to visit with family so early in the morning. Usually, I am just trying to keep up with the kids and the laundry and the dishes and everything else that gets stacked up. Now, I get to watch my oldest graduate this week. *sigh* Decongestant and tissues all around!

New Crafting Blog

Recently, I posted pictures of my Aunt Martha's Christmas Spider for everyone to see. She has been avidly reading my and Dana's blogs for a few weeks, now. I am happy to announce...she started her own! It is called Faith, Works and Crafts. She is still building it and fine-tuning the kinks out, but I think you will enjoy it very much. She is so talented!

I am hoping she will post pictures of some of the miniatures she has handcrafted. To do that, though, I think I will get to help her find the boxes since she is still wearing a medical boot for another month. I remember her sitting on Grandma's front porch with all of us teenagers and showing us how to make all these tiny creations. It was wonderful! She would take all of her items to craft shows and people would flock to her tables, having waited just for her. It was an awesome thing to see!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Church Pictures!

Since my previous two post were a little depressing (sorry for worrying you, Dana), I thought I would post some new pictures that I took on Mother's Day.

I went to church with my mom and took pictures of the Lilac bush outside of one of her churches, the stained glass at another, and the stained glass and sanctuary at her third.

(One of the few remaining Lilac blooms outside Clouston United Methodist)

(One of several huge stained glass windows at the Presbyterian Church.)

(This is Cameron UMC sanctuary. I love this picture. The shadows from the pews captured me and I just had to take the picture. The B & W setting just makes the picture more captivating.)

New Dose

Talked with my doctor and his nurse (who are husband and wife, actually). They both agree that I should go down to one pill a day, taken at night since I am showing signs of tiredness. I have an appointment on May 30th, so we should be able to see some results by then.

In talking with Mrs. "Doctor", she said that she may change her medication regimen. She is also taking Topamax and has been feeling more tired than normal.

Hopefully, I can come out of this fog soon. I have a lot to do.

Please forgive any mistakes I may have made. I will edit them out later, when I am more lucid. :-)

Medication overload...

*Because I am having so many problems with this medicine, and I have read enough to know that I am not alone, I think it is fair to name the med - TOPAMAX. It is an anti-seizure medication that has been shown to prevent migraine.

I am in my third week of migraine medication and taking 3 pills a day. Last week I was taking two pills a day and noticing some difficult remembering things, struggling to talk, lack of coordination in my motor movements. This week, I feel like I have been hit with a truck. I can't remember things my sons have told me ten minutes previous, I write things down or type them (even now) and the don't look right. I can't remember how to spell simple words. I am so tired all the time. I can't even focus long enough to clean the house. NOT GOOD.

So, I am calling the doctor. I talked with my husband about this. We agreed that the medicine IS working but my system just can't handle this amount. I take a CHILDREN'S CHEWABLE VITAMIN for crying out loud! My system can't handle a lot of things that many adult systems can.

Week 1 - I had NO problems. I think that 1 pill a day is the largest dose I feel I can take right now. We will see what happens after I talk with my physician.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Progressive Birthday

I celebrated my birthday over several days this year. I didn't really have a party, I just cooked and had some really great food! Not to mention, grocery shopping two days in a row! So anyway, I wanted to show you what I had. For my birthday dinner my husband and I fixed Tuscan Stuffed Chicken Breast with Prosciutto & Mozzarella Cheese with Baby Greens Salad and Mixed Veggies. You are only getting a picture of the Chicken because he took my camera from me! Something was said about the food getting cold...oh, well!

I was amazed that the 8-year-old loved it! Even more surprising? My youngest son, who is super-picky about his food, cleaned his plate! He even thought about asking for seconds. Thought about it, but didn't! The teenagers, on the other hand, were less than pleased. They ate it anyway. They are good young men. Now, that ends day one! Oh, I know! Dessert happens on day two!

This is my Grandma's Broccoli-Ham Casserole. My husband loves this. My mom gave this recipe to me and my two brothers years ago for our families. Actually, she gave the recipe to me and their wife/girlfriend. Just clarifying. The guys would have lost the recipe in a week. We all use it. It is really good! I have to double the recipe. I even got to use my birthday present from my husband! My brand new 3-Quart enameled cast iron braiser. It was empty when dinner was done. Usually happens that way with a family of six.

I managed to get to at least one dessert on day 2! My SIL, Dana, posted her Dessert Nachos when she returned home after visiting us in WV. I decided to try them.

Not as elaborate as Dana's but she has been doing this longer! It only took me two half-sheet pans, 1/2 a hissy-fit for burning myself, and 1 phone call to Upstate NY to get the nachos done. Not all the fruit I used is in the picture. I had strawberries, bananas, pineapple, peaches, mango, and grapes. I wanted kiwi but they were like little cement balls! But the caramel drizzle made up for it. The vanilla ice cream made the kids happy, too! Dana, I think I love this!!! Thank you!

And tonight, day 3, I shall eat my birthday cake! I got to blow out the candles on my birthday, by decree of my husband (how cute!). He didn't have time to bake me a cake, so he bought me this beautiful little Red Velvet cake with cream cheese icing. At it's heart, it is a chocolate cake. They just dyed it red!

Okay, officially my longest blog. I think I am done now.

Friday, May 11, 2007

VBS Fundraiser

As co-director of my church's Vacation Bible School, I have been pulling my hair out trying to get things together for this summer's activities. Luckily, my aunt Martha is a crafty person. Literally! She is a crafter! Lots and lots of crafts! Miniatures (ooh, the things I need to take pictures of to show you!), ornaments, ornament hangers, and many other things. She has taken it upon herself, as the VBS craft teacher, to make things for a Rummage/Bake/Craft Sale to help raise money to fund our small VBS.

Now, keep in mind, my whole family is like this! Very talented crafters! They are unbelievable! Look at this! Aunt Martha makes these!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Doing Better Today...

I have had a rough few days. My medicine routine went up by one pill this week. I am suppose to work my way up to four pills a day, which would put me on the actual dose I am going to take, since my doctor gave me half-prescription samples to start with. I think I have finally figured out the right time frame, though. Take it in the morning, no problem. DON'T take it when you go to bed! Take it with DINNER instead! Yeah, I know, it rhymes! But how else am I going to remember!? This stuff causes me to be scattered brained! Oh, boy. That is going to give my brother more, Dana? Don't tell! I will never hear the end of it!

I am finally getting some stuff done with my jewelry. I made Mom another bracelet for her cane, but it was late at night when she and I finally got done laughing our way through it, so - no picture today, but I promise one for later. I fixed her medical id bracelet that she bought somewhere(base-metal beads turned her green) and it looks wonderful! Again, laughing - no picture.

Made a mad dash to the post office this morning! The last few days, the ones that have been so rough on me, caused me to be a very bad Auntie! I forgot to mail Sticky-fingers' birthday card! AAAAKKKK! It is on it's way, Sweetie! Aunt Jenny had it mailed special delivery, just for you! Love and hugs! We miss you and Crumbgrabber SOOO much! Give the grownups hugs and kisses!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

A Favorite Birthday Card...

I am going to give credit were it is due, so don't freak on me, people! This is the card that my SIL made for me a few years ago. I keep it in the gardening book that came with it. Please, disregard the staining -- as I said, it is kept in a GARDENING BOOK, FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD! Plus, I just like to touch it. I am a very tactile person. And it is made with one of my favorite colors!
Made by Dana (Kismet, Art, and Life). 2005. I love it just as much today, as when I opened it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


My SIL, the one who makes those beautiful cards, did not know I had a Blogger account. I got into a little, TEENSY bit of trouble. Hahahaha. She loves me! I was waiting until I was comfortable putting my life out there for everyone to see, well, some of it. Her best friend, Mary, discovered my page and talked with Dana about it. Needless to say, she had no clue what was going on! SORRY!

I do thank you for the comments and compliments on my postings. I knew that once you were aware, Dana, that I had this blog, you would be completely honest with me. Thanks!

In regards to my migraines and my meds...*sigh*...John and I did the food elimination a few years ago. I still have to stay away from sugar-free stuff (always have), msg can be iffy, oregano was discovered in high school, fresh DRIED lavender (two weeks ago), ginger (can be eaten in very small doses), and not enough red meat/iron-full foods. That is about it for the foods. I don't like being on meds anymore than you like me being on them. We will see how everything goes, though. After 18 years, I am willing to try almost anything.

Anyway, I took this picture this morning when I was waiting at the bus stop with Mr. Rebel Without A Cause. (I think that fits him. What do you think?)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Beautiful Cards! I am a little overzealous on the blogging thing today! I just want people to check out the blog I have listed that I like to visit. Kismet, Art, and Life. This is my SIL's blog. She makes the most beautiful cards! If I have half the talent that she has in her pinkie finger, I would be set for life! She just made this card for my mom, it is so amazing. She puts a piece of herself into all of her work. I can't explain it very well, you just have to go look!

Several years ago, she made a card for me for my birthday and sent it with a book on Container Gardening (my yard is not big enough for a full garden). I still have the card, it is still in the book actually. I look at it every time I open up the book, which is often. It makes me smile and think how lucky I am to have her for a SIL. Not many people can say that they love who their brother married, but I can!

Seriously, go look at her blog, let her know what you think! You won't be disappointed!

Birthday Buddy!!

I have another Birthday Buddy!!!! Since I was born, my birthday buddy was my Uncle Richard, his being two days after mine. Now, I have another one! My younger brother's oldest son has his birthday five days before mine! I can hardly wait! I have a box that has a few things I need to send to my brother, and I plan on putting in some stuff for Stickyfingers and Crumbgrabber! Not a lot, just something to say 'HI'.

Doctor's Appointment

Well...I went to the doctor, yesterday. I should have had this done years ago, but I was avoiding it. For the last 18 years I have been living with severe migraines and just worked my way through them. Sounds horrible, huh? Not when you realize that my younger brother gets cluster headaches, which are about ten times worse than migraines. So, I didn't feel it was necessary to go to the doctor for a little problem like migraines. Until recently, I could handle it. Lately they have been so bad. Finally, I couldn't handle it anymore.

I am on two different medications, now. I hate that! I don't really like taking over-the-counter stuff to begin with, and now I have PRESCRIPTIONS! Anyway, one I have to take all the time to prevent the migraine and the other I take in case I still get one. The second one, I was told, should take care of the pain in two hours. I can only hope that it all works. I can't live like this anymore. I want to have my life back. I am tired of worrying about what air environment I am walking into; what foods I may accidentally eat; what noise or light may trigger the start of my migraine. I want to live my life. I want to play with my kids and watch my oldest two finish high school, graduate, and start college. I want to be normal. Please.