
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rosebud Star

I know Aunt Martha has a blog title like this as well, but the stories go together, so...

Saturday morning, around 8:45 a.m., I was just getting up and logging on to my computer to check my email for the day. Phone rings. It was Aunt Martha - "Are you up yet? Are you on the computer yet?" She has this beautiful rose vine growing right at the edge of her back porch, up through an evergreen, and arching over the sidewalk, all without a trellis. Gorgeous. Anyway, she found a fantastic surprise that morning. A natural rosebud star! She wanted me to come take pictures of it since my camera is a bit better than the one she has, but I think the shot that she got is just wonderful!

While I was up visiting Aunt Martha, I also took pictures of Grandma's front garden next door. This is a bearded iris that was just shimmering in the early morning sun!

It was nice to be able to visit with family so early in the morning. Usually, I am just trying to keep up with the kids and the laundry and the dishes and everything else that gets stacked up. Now, I get to watch my oldest graduate this week. *sigh* Decongestant and tissues all around!

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