
Friday, May 11, 2007

VBS Fundraiser

As co-director of my church's Vacation Bible School, I have been pulling my hair out trying to get things together for this summer's activities. Luckily, my aunt Martha is a crafty person. Literally! She is a crafter! Lots and lots of crafts! Miniatures (ooh, the things I need to take pictures of to show you!), ornaments, ornament hangers, and many other things. She has taken it upon herself, as the VBS craft teacher, to make things for a Rummage/Bake/Craft Sale to help raise money to fund our small VBS.

Now, keep in mind, my whole family is like this! Very talented crafters! They are unbelievable! Look at this! Aunt Martha makes these!

1 comment:

Dana said...

This is AWESOME!!!! I want one in black!!!! Aunt Martha is the most crafty person I know, hands down. She really takes the cake.
So is she selling these, because I will purchase a few for sure!

Happy early Birthday Jenny. I didn't send your card out on Saturday becasue Dennis REALLY wanted to make you one too, so I'm still holding out for "his" card to you. Let's hope it will be worth the wait...*grin*