
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Beautiful Cards! I am a little overzealous on the blogging thing today! I just want people to check out the blog I have listed that I like to visit. Kismet, Art, and Life. This is my SIL's blog. She makes the most beautiful cards! If I have half the talent that she has in her pinkie finger, I would be set for life! She just made this card for my mom, it is so amazing. She puts a piece of herself into all of her work. I can't explain it very well, you just have to go look!

Several years ago, she made a card for me for my birthday and sent it with a book on Container Gardening (my yard is not big enough for a full garden). I still have the card, it is still in the book actually. I look at it every time I open up the book, which is often. It makes me smile and think how lucky I am to have her for a SIL. Not many people can say that they love who their brother married, but I can!

Seriously, go look at her blog, let her know what you think! You won't be disappointed!

1 comment:

Dana said...

You made me cry. *sniff, sniff*
I love you too Jenny, and wait till you see the card I made for you THIS year. I can't wait till you get it and I can post it...I like it a lot.

Stop advertizing my blog and get the word out about yours!!!! You didn't even tell me you had one...I felt left out. My best friend, Mary, is the one who told me! She sent me an email saying she liked your blog and loved your jewelry and wanted to send you a message but didn't see an email link on your blog and didn't think you'd remember her anyway.

I had no idea what she was talking about! Sheeesh!