
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008


I can knit!! I am thirty years old and I can finally knit!!

Mom has been with me today and she has been knitting. Years ago, like when I was TEN, she tried to teach me how to knit. It didn't work so well. I am left handed with ambidextrous tendencies and the two sides of my brain were unable to work together in harmony so I could basically tie pretty knots in yarn. She struggled, she pleaded, she cried, I cried. She called her grandmother - we lived in Louisiana, she was in Clarksburg, WV. Nothing worked. We quit worrying about it.

Today, however, SUCCESS! I can knit! Literally, just knit. Do NOT ask me to pearl. That is something that may have to wait a few more years. I am just happy I can KNIT! YAY, ME!

(Mom has created a group at her churches that will work to knit or crochet shawls or lap robes for the Prayer Shawl Ministry. An instructional book with patterns and group formation ideas can be found in the Wal-Mart yarn aisle. If your Wal-Mart has done the unthinkable and removed their craft section, just follow the link to their website.)

Tunnel Vision

My Aunt Martha posted photos of her trip to Pittsburgh in October. Well, this past Saturday, DH and I took Mr. Chef to the city for scholarship testing and a tour of PCI Le Cordon Bleu (Pittsburgh Culinary Institute). The trip was worth it. The information we received was fantastic! Did you know that the PCI Le Cordon Bleu is the oldest Le Cordon Bleu in the nation? Yeah, makes that Parent Plus Loan a bit easier to swallow...

So, anyway. Getting into the city meant going through the Tunnel. Before we were even out of WV, I was disappointed with myself for forgetting my camera. Then, on a light bulb moment, I happened to glance down between the front seats of the van and there was my camera case! I had left it in the van overnight (please note, this is not good for your camera on a regular basis, I just had a stupid moment and forgot to pick it up!). So, here is what I have!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Off wandering...

Yep. That has been me. Off wandering in my own little world.

Between Election Depression (yes, I wanted McCain to win but the depression came from just the sudden END of it all...similar to what brides go through after their wedding...), kids and their activities, catching what few minutes we have with the oldest when he is able to come up from college, and planning a wedding...I like my wandering.

The oldest turned 20 the day before elections. My younger brother celebrated his birthday the day AFTER elections. My 9 y/o turns 10 TOMORROW! And our HS Senior spent a few hours at Wal-Mart on Wednesday waiting for the midnight release of WoW's Wrath of the Lich King.

He got the special edition pack (his money, people! He worked for it, he can spend it!) In true WoW form, he and his brother (who called him from college to coordinate this on both ends) both took poster boards to recruit for their guild on the Skullcrusher server, with it written as though in the Trade Chat. (If you want further guild info, just comment...I'll talk to them about it.) Luckily, DH and I aren't anywhere near needing Lich King, yet. When we break lvl 50, we'll talk about it. Oh, in case you haven't noticed, I live with a bunch of computer geeks that infected me! It's all DH's fault! He's the one that was the COBOL programmer in the Marine Corps! Lol!

So, tomorrow HS Senior (Mr. Chef), his dad and myself are going to Pittsburgh for him to test for scholarships at PCI (Pittsburgh Culinary Institute Le Cordon Bleu). Since we won't be home most of the day, my Mom is going to watch the two little ones and hopefully be able to go snag my MIL for lunch so they can have a little celebration with Mr. Rebel. We will then have his party on Sunday. He is okay with all this because he is super excited about his brother going to culinary school!

There are a few birthdays next week that I will be making phone calls for (youngest nephew and Aunt Martha). Following that, it is Thanksgiving. We are hosting again this year. My mom, grandparents, and Aunt Martha/Uncle Joe will be coming. As well as, my MIL, two BIL's and their girls. Hopefully, our oldest can make it up from school but he won't know until he gets his work schedule. I love having the family together! Even if it is somewhat incomplete, having just a few of us gives us the chance to remember and be thankful for all we have been blessed with.

So, if you have managed to stick with me through my wanderings, fabulous job! Sometimes, even I get lost in here! Lol! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

They're kidding, right?

This is unbelievable! Doctors at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle have discovered a possible link between migraines and a woman's LOWERED risk of BREAST CANCER!

Basically, me feeling like my brain is going to bleed out of my ears means that my boobs stay healthier...

Kind of funny that my husband heard this on the radio today and chose to call me about it...when I was recovering from a two-pill-required migraine... Next time, I will do my best to remember to smile while the scraping, piercing, scalping pain is causing me to lose feeling in my face and neck because, hey!, my rack is doing JUST FINE!

(Please note the dripping sarcasm...)