
Monday, July 2, 2007

New Picture!

I drove Mom to her churches on Sunday. Since we left early enough I was able to stop and take a few pictures. I added my favorite to the bottom of my blog as a page element. I hope you enjoy looking at it, maybe dream a little, too.


Martha said...

Is it any wonder then that my heart with rapture thrills ...

Anonymous said...

Love that picture of the West Virginia fields. I was thinking it looked like home and then saw the is home!!! I was born and raised in Keyser. Although I married a Va. boy and have lived in his home for 35 years, we also have a home in Romney...on a farm. It looks very similar to your picture. On the 4th, we helped the farmer get the hay bales in...his field could be the same as yours!!! Can you say what part of the state you are in?

Jen said...

Anonymous (oh, that sounds bad...heheh), I am so happy you loved the picture of the Hills. I live in the Nothern Panhandle and it is beautiful. One minute you are in town, the next you are in the middle of what some would consider 'no-where'. Our current governor recently changed our state's slogan to 'Open for Business'...yeah, don't think so. Most of us still use 'Wild, Wonderful West Virginia'. It never changes in our's still home.