
Monday, July 30, 2007

Key Chains

I meant to post these before I went away for 5 days but that didn't work out. So, here are the key chains that I made for a Blogger Barter with Bobbie. It only took me a few days to complete them and I had a lot of fun creating the designs.

Edit: Dana asked about the sturdiness of the keychains in her comment. Good question! All the keychains are made with a double-length of wire. The wire ends are then fed back through the top beads by 1/4 - 1/2 inch, depending on what the design allows. After I was done with each keychain, I pulled and twisted for everything I was worth, trying to ensure the strength. (Granted, I had to redo one in the process...*giggle*) As a disclaimer, I will say that these are not toys and should NOT be given to children to play with.


Dana said...

Bobbie called me RAVING about how gorgeous they were and I hated that I couldn't see them! YAY, now I know what she is talking about.
These are very pretty Jen, are they fragile? They look semi-sturdy, but I know photos can be deceiving, that's why I'm asking.
So, so pretty.

Martha said...

So pretty! I love them! If they are made anything like my Cane Bracelet that you made for me, they are very sturdy and durable.
You are so talented.

Dana said...

oooh, thanks for the info! I love it when bloggers answer their questions!!!!!! Again, I can't get over just how pretty these are...

Jessica said...

qvosugxWow, these are lovely!