
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Black-Eyed Susans

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday, a check up for my migraines and how the medicine is working. Eh. So-so. The Topamax is holding at 25mg a day and doing well. The Maxalt is not working as well as it did in the beginning. I go back in three months with instructions to come in earlier if I am having difficulty.

Outside of the doctor's office is a huge bunch of Black-Eyed Susans. I have been debating on making an idiot out of myself for a few months and laying on the landing, leaning over and snapping a picture. So far, I have avoided it. On Monday, I became a goof. The picture is decent, though.

Edit: To Ewokgirl, as far as taste goes, I take the pill version of Maxalt. My doctor just asked me Monday if I would like to try the quick-desolve dose but I declined. I was thinking that the aftertaste might be a bit much for me. However, I am noticing some taste changes. Pop is starting to taste a bit off. I am drinking more water than EVER. I was also asked by my doctor about trying Imitrex injections after my next visit. Oh, the joy.

The humidity is getting unreal here as well. I hope that you get some relief soon. You are in my thoughts.


Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

I'm glad Topomax seems to be working all right for you. My neurologist says that most of his patients find it to be a miracle drug. I just wish it had worked for me.

I was actually doing all right at controlling my migraines through diet, but Texas has been so slammed with storms this year, and the frequent changes in barometric pressure are wreaking havoc with my head!

I hope you're able to eventually find complete relief. Do you like Maxalt? The taste of it always set my teeth on edge. *shuddering just thinking about it* Imitrex has always been the thing that works best for me.

Dana said...

What a pretty photo. You should be a goof more often *grin*!