
Wednesday, May 2, 2007


My SIL, the one who makes those beautiful cards, did not know I had a Blogger account. I got into a little, TEENSY bit of trouble. Hahahaha. She loves me! I was waiting until I was comfortable putting my life out there for everyone to see, well, some of it. Her best friend, Mary, discovered my page and talked with Dana about it. Needless to say, she had no clue what was going on! SORRY!

I do thank you for the comments and compliments on my postings. I knew that once you were aware, Dana, that I had this blog, you would be completely honest with me. Thanks!

In regards to my migraines and my meds...*sigh*...John and I did the food elimination a few years ago. I still have to stay away from sugar-free stuff (always have), msg can be iffy, oregano was discovered in high school, fresh DRIED lavender (two weeks ago), ginger (can be eaten in very small doses), and not enough red meat/iron-full foods. That is about it for the foods. I don't like being on meds anymore than you like me being on them. We will see how everything goes, though. After 18 years, I am willing to try almost anything.

Anyway, I took this picture this morning when I was waiting at the bus stop with Mr. Rebel Without A Cause. (I think that fits him. What do you think?)

1 comment:

Dana said...

So which one is the Rebel without a cause???? *Brawhaaaaa* That description just about fits any of the men in your world!

And you ARE in trouble, young lady. *insert stern face here*(and I can call you young because you aren't 30 yet, you lucky thing)

Beautiful photograph, looks very peaceful and sort of ethereal.