
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Are we done yet!?

For the past week I have been going to church with my aunt and my mom to decorate for Vacation Bible School. The other co-director had hand surgery on the 11th, so she hasn't been able to meet us every day. My husband, God bless him, has been such a big help. He has taken care of the house, managed the kids (which is is more than capable of doing), and put up with me coming in at 10:30 p.m. almost every night.

Saturday I spent all day out of the house, doing things for VBS, well, not all of it was VBS but tell that to my Mom when she sees a yard sale!!! The upside - I have maybe an hour's worth of work left and I am done (as long as we have decided not to paint-in the last two backdrops). The downside - I have had two major migraines this week. The first one last three days because I wouldn't take my pill. I was down to my last two and wanted to wait until I could get more from my doctor. I solved that issue on Friday. The second started Saturday when I was helping my mom trace a backdrop onto a flatsheet using an overhead projector. The bulb kept flickering, driving my vision nuts and triggering my migraine. Then the paint fumes when we painted two backdrops didn't help. I wasn't able to take my pill until I was just almost home since I only have 20 minutes from the time I take it until I start feeling it. This was a bad one, though.

I am officially exhausted and I haven't had the first day of VBS yet! We will see what that brings.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Good grief! You sound wiped out Jen, and the "real fun" hasn't even begun yet! Save yourself, take care of yourself, and be true to you, so others can benefit from what you have to give.
Miss you much,