
Saturday, June 23, 2007

VBS Finale

It was amazing! We didn't have as many kids on Friday as we had on previous nights but that was okay. The ones that did come to VBS, immediately ran to the craft table to see what our "Master Crafter" had for them to start the evening! Many of them decided to make another shell necklace. That was unquestionably the favorite craft of the week!

After a bit of a nervous breakdown about the slideshow not working in the tv when I tested it (thank goodness I decided to test it at all!), and my uncle Richard and cousin Matt coming to my rescue with Aunt Nancy's laptop, things started moving along. The kids rehearsed their songs without the words on the overhead and did an amazing job. Then it was time for the Showcase!

We had invited parents, grandparents, and friends to come see the kids perform their music, see their crafts, and hear what they learned. The children were wonderful! When I turned on the overhead projector to put the song words on the wall, they all groaned! They had been at me since Wednesday to let them sing without we went 'cold-turkey' on PARENTS' NIGHT!!! They didn't miss a beat! They sang four songs with the music. The fifth song I had a hard time keeping the song and the music straight on my part, so we went a capella on the "King of Kings" round. It gave me goosebumps to hear those little voices singing with everything they had, filling that hall with sound.

Each child was given a completion certificate, as well as a copy of the picture that was taken of them in our 'boat'. They were so pleased to have their own picture. Thank goodness for 1 hour printing! After the pizza party, they got to take home any crafts that had finished drying, Bible memory tokens, and all the little things they accumulated during the week.

It was a wonderful week. Now, we get to go back on Monday and take it all down. Our pastor is being moved and the church is having a dinner for him on Sunday evening. He asked that all the decorations stay up for his dinner, he likes looking at them and wants to make sure that everyone has a chance to see what we did. I am sure going to miss him. He did so much for the church. Another church needs him, now. So, he has to go where he is being called.

I hope you all visit Aunt Martha's blog to see her slides of VBS. If you look carefully, you might even be able to figure out which one is me! LOL! Good luck!


Dana said...

I saw the pics on Aunt M's site, but no slide show...(pout)

Dana said...

I'm a dunce. I found it. I wasn't looking in the right spot...*slaps head to forehead*

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it went well. Isn't it great when something you've put your heart and soul into comes out a SUCCESS?? And almost as great is when you get to take a breather afterward! Congrats!