
Friday, June 15, 2007

And it's only the beginning...

Wednesday, late afternoon - early evening, my youngest son say, "Ouch!"

"Are you okay, honey?" I ask.

"Yeah, Mommy. I am okay," comes the response from the living room. I am in the kitchen working on food stuff. I stick my head into the room just to make sure. He is rubbing his eye and it's a little red. I check it but see nothing. Fastforward several hours. The eye is redder, swollen, and he says it hurts. Now, he is the youngest of four, so I have been through a number of things with his brothers that has left me prepared for many things. So, I rinsed is eye with sterile saline solution, which made him feel much better, and gave him a cold compress to keep the swelling down.

Happy Thursday morning! Can anyone say "Emergency Room"? Yep, that's where we went. He has a Corneal Abrasion -- a scratch on his eyeball! Now, for the "how" of the scratch on his eyeball. Please know, this made the doctors and nurses in the ER laugh! Heck, the child got TWO freezer pops out of this!

While I was busy in the kitchen, my youngest decided to tear a page out of one of his coloring books. He then rolled it up into a telescope so he could pretend to be a pirate and...can you see it coming? went into his eye. *Sigh* With all the rubbing he did because of the paper he also scratched his eye. Yay. (note the heavy sarcasm and worry.)

So, this morning I am back to the medical center to see the eye specialist the ER referred us to. Hopefully, everything will be fine. I know I made light of it but to be honest, I am scared. My children's vision is so important to me. I turned my back for a few minutes and here I am. I know that the doctors in the ER said that I did everything right with the saline solution and the cold compress, but somehow that doesn't make me feel any better. Of course, I do have a name for him now. The 8-year-old is Rebel and the soon-to-be 6-year-old is Little Pirate. Brighter things. God's hands and angels wings...

1 comment:

Dana said...

Oh my Goodness. Poor little guy. That's scary and frustrating all at the same time!
Hang in there...things can only get better, right? *hopeful grin*