
Thursday, September 20, 2007


Well, Mom had her knee surgery today. She is in a fair amount of pain but that is being managed with the medication they are giving her. After reporting to the hospital before 10 a.m. this morning for check-in, with the anticipation of surgery at 12 noon, she wasn't taken back into the O.R. until almost 4 p.m. It made things rough, having to spend the whole day in the waiting rooms, jumping when the phone rang, hoping the next doctor stepping in was going to be hers. In the end, things went well.

One of the many unique things about today, I had a few brief, wonderful conversations with my SIL's mother. Dana's mom was in visiting and was able to talk with me about Mom when I called to leave a message for her and my brother. She is such a sweet lady! Dana, Mom says to tell your mom, "Thank you."

Another unique moment occurred throughout the day. Aunt Martha took the day off and came to the hospital with us. She brought this fantastic book on photography that she checked out from our local library! Now, the three of us (me, Grandpap, and Aunt Martha) are determined to BUY THAT BOOK! It is full of wonderful information and humor! Plus, I had a blast playing with Pap with it. I would leave the waiting room - he would take it; he would leave the waiting room - that thing was mine! Aunt Martha laughed and giggled every time! Now, if I could just remember the name of that book. Help!

Oh, and the photos posted for today, I took today. The petunia was shot this morning in Grandma's yard while the dew still rested on the petals, before we left for the hospital. The clouds and sun were shot through the glass of the waiting room window (Aunt Martha saw a flag hanging down the street - she humors me - and then we saw this shot).


Mary Maruscak said...

I'm glad your mom's surgery went well-please tell her I'm thinking about her and that I say hello. And yes, Dana's mom is wonderful. She's a good lady to know.

Your pictures are, as always, lovely.

Jen said...

Thanks, Mary! I will let Mom know.