
Thursday, September 6, 2007

When did they grow up?!

It happens so fast, we never see it coming. No matter how many minutes, how many hours, how many days we spend with them they always seems to grow faster than our hearts want. Mr. Rebel is in third grade this year. Just yesterday he was starting kindergarten and NOW -- *sigh*-- now, he is walking his little brother to the bus stop so HE can go to kindergarten.

Little Pirate has been so thrilled about school but still nervous enough to stick to his brother without a problem. Mr. Rebel is going to be just fine! He really likes his class and his teachers. His homeroom teacher has been waiting for him for FOUR years! LOL!

Before Mr. Rebel started school, the county hosted a summer kindergarten program to prepare students for school. Mr. Rebel's teacher was introduced to his wonderful personality in full techni-color! She handled it with grace! We worked together to help him understand the rules, came up with a reward system just for him (good behavior = 5 minutes of Video Game time at the end of the week) and he had a blast for four weeks. She put a request in at the office that SHE get Mr. Rebel. She checked on him all the time, talked to him during the day, just generally kept tabs on him. Well, she got him! All the teachers are probably breathing a sigh of relief! So far, he is doing well.

Little Pirate is going to be in Speech Therapy. He doesn't like to use his 's' at the beginning of words and he has difficulty with his L's. I have been talking with the instructor since Tuesday (ran into her after a general orientation meeting with third grade teachers). Because my husband and I know Little Pirate has some speech issues and we aren't in denial about it, she has been able to waive the waiting period. I have another meeting with her on Friday morning to go over the results of Little Pirate's evaluation from Wednesday (they evaluate the whole school every year). From there, I should know the extent of work he has to do at home and what he will be doing in school. Technically, he will be listed as being in Special Education because she has to take him out of regular class to go to Speech. She seemed to think I would be worried about that. Oh, well. No big.


Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Everything outside of regular classroom stuff is labeled Special Ed. Even the gifted kids are Special Ed. ;-)

I'm glad your kiddo is getting the speech help he needs. He'll really appreciate in years to come. I don't understand why parents would be in denial about something like that. The earlier things are addressed, the easier it will be on the kid in later years. But some parents are just funny like that.

They really do grow up fast. I look at my oldest niece, and I can't believe that little baby is now almost 10!

Dana said...

Goodness, when did they get so big?
I'm still not done with Mr. Rebel's baby blanket that was started when you were preggers with him!
I'm glad he has a teacher who wants him. That will make all the difference.
As for little Pirate, he had loving and supportive parents behind him, so any "labels" shouldn't make the slightest bit of difference.
This is our first year OUT of Special ed, and we're worried! We liked the 4 teachers to 10 students ratio! The whole 1 yeacher for 27 children is nerve wracking!
We're having trouble getting Crumbgrabber to say his 'l' s too, but since he's only 2 1/2 we'll keep working on him and hope it changes.
Love the photo Jen.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the little guy is off to a great start-and thats wonderful that his teacher has such a vested interest! She'll probably end up really influencing his life, and that's great that he has someone like that.

Happy back to school!