
Friday, October 12, 2007

Traditional Medicinals ©

Oh, okay. So I forgot to put this in my first post of the day.

DH and I went grocery shopping last night. In the second store of the evening, as we passed the organic foods section, I noticed they had boxes of tea. Upon closer investigation I discovered it was almost the entire line of Traditional Medicinals© herbal and organic teas. I have a box of the Nighty Night tea that my mom gave me a while back. I love it! I didn't think it would really do anything different for me but after a few cups I noticed a difference. It really helped my calm down and get ready for a good night's rest.

I don't usually promote things like this, as it may tend to bug some people, but I encourage everyone to browse their site or look for it in the stores. One of the great things is they have several teas that are Fair Trade Certified. I will stumble all over it if I try to explain what that is, so just click the link and enjoy. They do a much better job of telling you what Fair Trade does for the farmers.

For those that want just a straight link to the website, here it is. Explore and enjoy!

Oh, and DH bought me two boxes! He knew I was almost out. He is such a sweet man.

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