
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New 'developments'

Since I don't have a bunch of time this evening to re-post some photos, I thought I would just send you all over to my 'still in diapers' photo-blog. Just go into my profile. I am too lazy right now to do a hyperlink. My mom gifted me with a tabletop photos studio kit but with ulterior motives! She was having me take photos of her Red Hatter accessories so they could be used for a Christmas gift idea she and Aunt Martha have been working on. I had already agreed to work on the photos, the studio kit was just a wonderful surprise that made my life so much easier! Go over and have a look! The blue glass jar was photographed within 10 minutes of me getting the kit out of the box!

The kit is definitely going to be used for many things! I see pigs and cows and frogs and Santas and roosters in its future!

1 comment:

Martha said...

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! All the things that will fit in the box are going to be minutely photographed. Wonderful!

Word verification: manters

What's a manter you?