
Friday, September 25, 2009

Brutal Recess!

My, oh my, the things kids "bring" home these days! Lol! This is what Mr. Rebel, my 10-year-old, looked like when he came home from school today. Apparently, recess was a little more interesting than usual. Lol! There is some swelling, a really nice bruise on the inside of the knee and several layers of skin missing. The bandaids from school were not hanging on very well and, of course, any dirt nearby was instantly attracted to the open wound.

It got washed and disinfected and bandaged. He spent 15 minutes on the couch with a frozen water bottle to bring down some of the swelling. The knee seems to be moving okay and he doesn't complain about it hurting when he puts weight on it. Though, that is just today. Tomorrow it will be stiff and sore. Fun!

1 comment:

Martha said...

It is a good thing kids are so "young" and able to recover quickly. We "old" people would milk this thing for every couch moment possible.

Word verification sounds like a sneeze "gloftsp" which is why I am up early and taking otc decongestant. We were sharing at work this week.