
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

{DIY} Liquid Hand Soap from Bar Soap

First, I will give credit where is is due!  I found the tutorial I used through Pinterest and it sent me HERE.  Several great ideas on her blog and I plan to make use of them in the future.  I figured I would showcase this DIY because it is such a money saver and we all can use a little of savings!

What to Gather:

A cheese/box grater
1 Gallon - DISTILLED water (KEEP THE JUG!)
2 TBSP - Liquid Glycerin
1- 8 oz Bar of Soap (don't use Dove, it won't work)
Pot (I am using my canning pot)
Spoon or Spatula
Cutting Board
Stove top

Step 1:  Pour the DISTILLED water and 2 TBSP of Glycerin in to your pot and stir. 

Step 2:  Grate your soap.  (I had to use two bars of mine since they were only 4.25oz each)

Step 3:  Add Soap shavings and turn heat on to Medium/High.  Stir til all soap is dissolved (it will take a bit) and remove from heat.

(You are going to end up with cloudy, soapy water...with some bubbles!)

Step 4:  Wait.  10-12 Hours!
(Yes, that means you, Little Miss 6-year-old in a grown up body!  NO TOUCHY!)
Okay!  So, I am home from work (it's about 10pm now) and I just finished up the batch of liquid soap!

Step 5:  Grab a funnel and the gallon jug the water came in.  Grab your hubby or strong friend to help.  Mix the soap with a whisk or mixer so that you get everything the consistency of snot (Gross, I know.  But seriously...snot!).  Pour CAREFULLY and SLOWLY through the funnel into the jug.  Label it and be happy!

So, this was my first ever tutorial so, be gentle!  Hope you are able to follow it!
Good luck with your own Inspirations!


*Try using a hand held blender after you dump the soap shavings into the water.  It blends it all, of course, and takes about 15-20 minutes off your time waiting for the soap to dissolve.  Heat it up after its all combined, then remove from the heat sourse and wait!

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