
Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

When my grandmother was very young her mother had a little boy who was born with Cerebral Palsy. The doctors were very honest with Great-Grandma and told her that he wasn't strong enough to live very long, probably not more than three years. Tomorrow he turns 76. Yeah, they kind of got that wrong.

Anyway, we had a small party for him at the Care Center he is living in. This morning I called my mom bright and early (she wished I hadn't...really, it was VERY bright and early!) and suggested a blanket for him since he gets chilled easily. She and Grandma loved the idea, so here it is. He is a life-long fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers which made the choice of design very easy. This blanket is only little over 1 yard (that's all the black they had) and with me rushing through it, I made it in just under 4 hours. He loved it! Grandma, Pap, and Mom were thrilled with the results and I had so much fun making it.

Do you see that little girl? That gorgeous little baby? She is cute, isn't she? She is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen. Only, she's not so little, she is 12.

Twelve years ago my older brother's wife blessed our family with an angel. Today, she loves to play soccer, is a dedicated Girl Scout, and can sew better her Aunt Jenny! (although, that is not too hard for anyone to sew better than me...)

Her younger brothers both celebrated birthdays earlier this month but, boys being boys, they tend to run from me when I have my camera so I don't have any decent shots of them...YET! I will get day....hahaha! They both love soccer, too. Both are also dedicated Scouts. I am so proud of them.


Gayle said...

Of course you are proud of them, and I'm proud of you! If only everybody cared as much as you do, wouldn't it be wonderful?

The doctors gave your granddad 3 years to live! Good grief. He sure showed them, didn't he? I try not to take doctors too seriously myself. They can screw your head up. LOL!

The quilt is very pretty.

Jen said...

Aww, thanks, Gayle.

Oh, he's my great-uncle, though. My maternal grandmother's brother. They told my great-grandma, his mother, that he would live only about 3 years.