
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Today was rather...en"lighten"ing

As is obvious from my blog badge to the right, I suffer from debilitating migraines. Several on my side of the family do. For the past several years I have been going to my general physician and, in just the last year, a neurologist. When I was referred to the neurologist, I was filled with such anticipation. I had done my research on him and really felt he would be able to help me move forward with my migraines and see improvement. Together, we would be able to figure out if there was an underlying problem.

I have been so disappointed. Despite my efforts of thinking positive thoughts about the whole situation, I have come to the realization that this neurologist, for all his awards and accolades in the field of migraine research, is basically a joke. Having this need to research and learn all I can about migraines, I know that one of the first things many neurologists do for migraine sufferers is to send them for scans and other tests. I had ONE, yes ONE, run of blood work. Then, last summer, I ended up in his office on an emergency visit (honestly thinking I was going to die...and apparently, he thought so, too), I received an oxygen treatment that made it worse. I have one medication that I take for my migraines. ONE. It works. That's all I need. Just keep it coming!

However, this man thought that he should give me everything under the son. He knew I researched everything yet he continued to give me meds that I already vetoed. I refused to take anything with similar side-effects to Topamax but he still tried. He gave me fibromyalgia medication! For MIGRAINE! Yes, I know that some of those meds are found to prevent migraine but COME ON! I was getting med patches to put on my back, nasal sprays that burned my sinuses, awakening meds that they give to ADD/ADHD patients, and migraine meds that made the pain worse... Every time he would give me more meds, I would tell him, just give me another 'script for my Maxalt. We can stay with it for now. My migraines are changing as it is and I don't want to screw with them too much. He completely ignored me.

So, to my point. I went to my general physician's offices today. While I did not see my doctor personally, I did see my Uncle J (my mom's first cousin but all of us kids grew up calling that generation Aunt or was easier) who is an x-ray tech and PA there, as well as another PA/resident. I trust the people in this office. After explaining everything above to the PA, and telling her NO, I had not had any scans done, she was horrified! She had done a rotation with this neurologist and understood my dismay and disappointment. She immediately got me a 'script for my meds. After taking my bag full of medications my neurologist gave me, she showed them to Dr K in his office (next to my exam room). I could here him yelling through the wall! Lol! "Why in the WORLD is he giving Jenny all this crap!? She has MIGRAINE, not fibromyalgia pain! She's had migraine since she was a kid! What is he thinking?" *sigh* I love my doctor. It pays to go see a man that went to school with your parents. Sometimes. Other times it sucks because he tattles on you. Gotta love small town, old-school doctors. The best medicine sometimes is to tell 'mommy'! Lol!

Anyway, after almost a year of seeing this neurologist, I got fed up and went back to my general physician. Within 3o minutes, I was getting scheduled for an MRI. I don't know when yet, I have just been put on the roster for scheduling. They will call me by Friday. I have a few samples of my meds until I can get my 'script filled.

So, the play on words within my title? I feel lighter. My chest doesn't feel as tight. My DH doesn't have as many worry lines around his eyes. With my migraines changing and getting worse, he has been so worried. I try not to tell him how bad they are but he knows. He always does. I just hate it when he fusses. So, even though I am not out of the woods, I feel a little lighter, I can breathe a little easier, knowing that I can take a step forward instead of walking in circles.

Oh, and I leave tomorrow morning to get my van. God is good. We just have to stay on the Path to see it. No matter how many times we tell ourselves AAA won't cover it, just stay on the Path.


Heather said...

Jen, what a terrific blessing of simplicity...heading back to the small town Doctor (they know people) and finding comfort there.

I have friends you suffer with excrutiating pain from migraine's, with no clear answers as to the why's of it but they've nulled certain foods and tried everything they could...from hands on learning, finding out from others who suffer.

May you find those answers, gather information and May The Lord hold your hand tightly through it all :)

Jen said...

Heather you are so wonderful. Thank you for your kind words and thoughts. I received my appointment time for my MRI today, after I returned from getting my vehicle. It is in the evening, so my DH will be able to go with me. What a blessing.