
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A late Christmas gift...

I made this for my MIL (a truly beautiful woman...). I had hoped to give it to her for Christmas but time, kids, and the flu bug were against me. Well, it's DONE!!! YAY, ME!!!

Today is also my niece's 7th birthday and we are gathering for her party this evening. I will be taking this with me to give to my MIL as a belated gift. I know she will be thrilled! How do I know? Well, she watched my kids Friday since I had to travel to Buffalo, NY, where my brother was after he had a horrible accident on his bicycle (yes, I said bicycle). He had surgery to basically rebuild his right knee (a plate and two pins, if I am remembering correctly). So, my MIL was wonderful in coming over to be at my home when the kids got off of school and to stay with them while DH was at a meeting that night. While there, she poked around to see if she could find her blanket to see how much was done! Hahaha! She didn't look under the pile of clean laundry in my bedroom! LOL!

When laying flat, and measuring only the fabric not the ties, it is 2-3/4 yards long and 1-almost 1/4 yard wide. This was made to fit the length of her queen-sized bed on her side. It also runs from the front edge of my entertainment stand to the far edge of my couch! That is 3/4 the length of my living room! I tiptoed around the blanket just to get out of the room!

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